A 2013 TCG starter deck featuring
Number C39: Utopia Ray as the cover card. Also included are 15 Power-Up cards from the
Super Starter Power-Up Packs that pairs with this deck. Both
Number C39: Utopia Ray V and
Rank-Up-Magic Limited Barian's Force are featured cards of the Power-Up Packs.
Cards in this deck are fully compatible
with those you already use.
You can upgrade your main deck by switching or adding cards from the Power-Up packs.
Main deck: 40 cards, extra deck: 2 cards, side deck: 15 cards.
for Victory is a starter set built around utilizing Xyz summons. This deck in particular is about quickly being able to Xyz summon Number C39: Utopia Ray. This can be seen by the number of card designs to allow players to summons Gagaga Magician and Gagaga Girl, who can quite easily Xyz summon Utopia Ray.
Despite being built around one core strategy, the deck is surprisingly versatile. This is thanks to both the deck featuring a ton of monsters that can be summoned or changed in response to an opponent's action and that Utopia Ray can easily be a boost to dangerous levels of attack points." CBR.
Note: this deck was originally compiled by Spheal180 on
Edits were only made to add the contents of the Power-Up packs.