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Combos & Test Hands
The main strategy revolves around using cards like Archfiend's Call and Archfiend's Manifestation to summon Summoned Skull as consistently as possible to OTK. A Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon is splashed in this deck, as is a small Crystron Halqifibrax engine to bring out Savage Dragon and Arc Light. These allow you to survive through plays in addition to Ash Blossom.
Typical combos involve:
Red Resonator + Cavalry into Archfiend's Call
(turn 2) SS Crimson Resonator, NS Red Resonator + Cavalry into Red Rising, into Beelze, into Archfiend Bane. Attack, MP2 into Geomathmech Final Sigma
Tour Guide into Libic = Halqifibrax combo
Tour Guide into Rhino Warrior = Verte Anaconda = Either Archfiend's Manifestation or Red Eyes Dark Dragoon