This deck tries to be midrange in everything in can. It's solid at playing through handtraps, it's solid at breaking and building boards, and it can run a solid handtrap lineup.
The whole idea comes from a single combo I was experimenting with, which is:
Paidra/Summoning/Kaimen (And in some hands you can use Genroku but depends if youre going into the fiendsmith line)->chundra->ancient fairy dragon->pop summoning->search hidden city->search Guru->SS guru, flip it or AFD (could be a different monster, this is the most barebones combo, if you went into the fiendsmith line you can flip Desirae and then use the graveyard effect of Tract to fuse into Rextremende)->hidden city flip guru->search priestess or final battle.
The deck is honestly just kind of weird to navigate at moments because the engines dont flow as smoothly together as you'd like.
I do believe this is the best thing you could splash subterror in 2025.