Subterror Prediction Princess
Deck Primer
Subterror is a Flip Monster archetype just like Prediction Princess and they even have their own Level 9 monster in Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric. Voltelluric is a Level 9 EARTH Thunder Flip Monster that has a Flip Effect that allos you to target a set monster your opponent controls and take control of it until your next End Phase. And, it shares the Subeterror Behemoth monster effect of being able to Special Summon itself from hand in Defense Position when a face-up monster you control is flipped face-down and you control no face-up monsters after that. And its last effect is a soft once per turn effect that allows you to change it to face-down Defense Position. I haven't played Subterror before, neither Guru Control nor the Subterror Behemoth version. I am not too sure about how to play Subterror alone as a Deck, but I am pretty sure that Voltelluric is definitely one of the Behemoths that you at the very most play just the 1-of in the Behemoth version. I don't really see it as being that good of a card, nor are we actually going to be using its Flip Effect in this Subterror Prediction Princess Deck. From what I can see, the Subterror monsters mainly just work for their own archetype. They are not like the Shaddolls or the Krawlers who have Flip Effects that are more general in what they do. The Subterror Flip Effects more-so help their own gameplan, but some actually have some pretty generically good effects that we can make use of. Subterror Behemoth Umastryx has a Flip Effect that allows you to target a monster your opponent controls and banish it. Subterror Behemoth Ultramafus has a Flip Effect that allows you to change all other face-up monsters on the field to face-down Defense Position. In a more generalized Prediction Princess Deck that is playing Umastryx and Ultramafus as Flip Monster options, I would see these being very useful. But for my ideology in what Prediction Princess should be and in this Deck in particular, they are not very good. Umastryx, while it is not bad at all, just is going to be another monster on your field. And considering that your Prediction Princess combo is filling up almost, if not, your entire field, I would much rather not play it in favor of monsters with better Flip Effects like Deus-X Krawler or Subterror Guru (for this Deck) or monsters with additional benefits like Prediction Princess Bibliomuse giving your Ritual Monsters targeting and destruction protection in addition to it searching a non-Ritual Prediction Princess and a Ritual Spell for follow-up. As for Ultramafus, being a walking Book of Eclipse is pretty good, but considering how it also affects your field, I would much rather not play it. Sure, it can reset Bibliomuse and Prediction Princess Tarotreith's Flip Effects, but at the same time, it stops Deus-X Krawler's continuous effect since it is no longer face-up on the field. And sure, you could just instead go for Whirlwind Weasel and Guard Dog whose Flip Effects linger throughout the rest of the turn after they've been flipped up and triggered, but as the Level/Rank 9 bozo that I am, I would much rather play Deus-X. Also, with how we are just shotgunning all of our Flip Effects in the Standby Phase, you aren't really going to get a chance to use Ultramafus as interruption anyways. Going back to Voltelluric, because it is an EARTH monster, we can't get Bibliomuse out of the Deck for access to it if we target Voltelluric with Monstrosity. So we have to be a little creative. We are going to be using the Predaplant engine with Scorpio and Cobra to get ourselves Instant Fusion from Deck. We are not playing Red Resonator because if we are going to make this Deck 40 cards, we can't really fit 3 Red Resonator and 3 Resonator Call. But that just means that we have to hard draw World Legacy Monstrosity which is definitely an option, but we can still go without it if we don't draw it. We are also going to be making use of Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment in our combo which is going to be a way for us to get another Level 9 on the field to go for a Rank 9. The cards we need for our combo are Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio, The Hidden City, and a monster to send to GY for Scorpio. Normal Scorpio and send a monster from hand to GY to Special Summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra from Deck. Cobra searches us Instant Fusion from Deck. Activate The Hidden City and grab ourselves a copy of Subterror Fiendess. Activate Instant Fusion to get Master of Ham from our Extra Deck. Master of Ham triggers on Fusion Summon to Special Summon Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric from Deck face-down. We are not getting Bibliomuse because we are trying to work with Voltelluric and this is the only way that I can conceivably see us getting Voltelluric onto the field easily. We can't really use its own effect to Summon itself and we can't really use Subterror Nemesis Warrior either because we would need it and at least 1 other monster on field whose combined Levels are 9 or more to Tribute to get Voltelluric. We can't really get another monster on field for that exactly and we still wouldn't be getting to Bibliomuse or a Rank 9 either because that is if we have Instant Fusion and Nemesis Warrior already on field and we would also still need to be able to make Fusion Trish. Either way, we would then use The Hidden City to flip up Voltelluric. Then we banish Master of Ham, Ophrys Scorpio, and Darlingtonia Cobra to Special Summon Trishula from Extra Deck. Now here is where we can do a couple of things. If we don't have Monstrosity, we can overlay Voltelluric and Trish into Mereologic Aggregator to send Herald of the Arc Light to search and reattach and Link off and stuff and if we have Bibliomuse in hand or a Tarotrei or Tarotreith already in hand, we have full Prediction Princess combo. If we have Monstrosity, we can activate it targeting Trish to get Bibliomuse and Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag from Deck. We then overlay Trish and Kaku into Aggregator, send Herald, reattach, Link off for searches... blah blah. But in this situation, we have Voltelluric on field and Fiendess in hand. If our opponent tries to interrupt Monstrosity, we can Fiendess to negate since we have a face-up Subterror on field. The same goes for if they try to negate Aggregator or Herald since Voltelluric is still on field. But if we don't need to negate, we can use Voltelluric and Aggregator to Link into I:P Masquerena. Ritual Summon by Tributing Bibliomuse for full Prediction Princess combo and use Tarotrei to Special Summon back Voltelluric from GY during the End Phase who will be flipped face-up by Tarotreith next turn to turn on Fiendess for a negate. With what we are working with, this version of Subterror Prediction Princess definitely isn't too bad. To a degree, we are making use of Voltelluric and having access to an omni negate with Fiendess is also really nice. This isn't the greatest Prediction Princess list that I have worked with, but it definitely is pretty unique in what it can do (I haven't explained Guru yet). The main issue here is that we can't search for Monstrosity and we cannot always access Bibliomuse as that requires we have Monstrosity. Definitely not bad, but definitely not the best.
For the Main Deck monsters: 3 Prediction Princess Tarotrei, 1 Prediction Princess Tarotreith, and 3 Prediction Princess Bibliomuse. Tarotrei can Quick Effect flip a monster on field face-up or face-down and during your End Phase, she can Special Summon a Flip Monster from hand or GY face-down. Tarotreith must either be Ritual Summoned or Special Summoned via Tarotrei’s End Phase effect. Her Flip Effect Special Summons a Flip Monster from your Deck face-down and she can also Quick Effect flip any number of your monsters face-up or face-down. Bibliomuse can Special Summon herself back from the GY face-down if she is Tributed and sent there. Her Flip Effect adds a Prediction Princess monster other than herself and a Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand and while she is face-up on the field, your Ritual Monsters gain targeting and destruction protection from your opponent’s effects. 1 Deus-X Krawler which negates all activated monster effects on your opponent’s side of the field after it has been flipped face-up and if it is destroyed on field, you can search for a Level 9 monster with a different Type and Attribute than it. 2 Gizmek Kaku, the Supreme Shining Sky Stag and 1 Mardel, Generaider Boss of Light. Kaku is a Level 9 target for Monstrosity to Summon from Deck if we target Voltelluric and it is an easily Summonable Level 9 in general. Mardel is another Level 9 in the Deck to Summon off of Monstrosity if we are targeting Voltelluric and we can also get it off of Lonefire Blossom also. On Summon it adds a Generaider card or a Plant monster from Deck to hand. 1 Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric. 1 Subterror Guru. This card is actually not bad. If I wasn't focusing on utilizing Voltelluric, I’d be just playing Guru, Fiendess, Subterror Final Battles, and Hidden City as the only Subterror cards in the Deck because they alone are just that good. If I were to describe an actually good version of Subterror Prediction Princess, it’d just be Guru Control with Prediction Princess and without any floodgates (other than Deus-X maybe). Guru’s Flip Effect adds a Subterror card from Deck to hand other than itself. And while it is face-up on the field, it can target another face-up monster on the field and change both itself and that monster to face-down Defense Position. This effect is a Quick Effect if you control another Subterror card. If anything, we are just playing the 1 copy of Guru as a possible Flip Monster to Special Summon from Deck, or hand if we searched for it off of the activation of Hidden City instead of Fiendess. If we could fit more monsters on our side of the field I’d definitely play 2 copies to have a better chance of getting to this card or for having more incentive to actually Summon it. You could Special Summon Guru from Deck off of Tarotreith instead of Deus-X which gives you the ability to use both of its effects for interruption. On Flip, you add Fiendess for an omni-negate and since you control another Subterror in Voltelluric, you can Quick Effect book an opponent’s monster as well. But I feel like Deus-X is just better in what it can do, but that doesn’t mean Guru is particularly bad or anything. If anything, it is really good and very interesting, but an omni and a book don’t compare to negating all activated monster effects on your opponent’s side of the field. 2 Subterror Fiendess. When your opponent activates a card or effect you can Quick Effect send it from hand or field to GY to target a Subterror monster you control and negate the activation, changing the targeted Subterror to face-down Defense. And you can target a face-up monster you control to change it to face-down Defense Position to Special Summon a Subterror monster from hand or GY in face-up or face-down Defense Position. I guess that this is another way to get Voltelluric onto the field, but at the same time, it proves to have the same issues with if we were to try to get Voltelluric onto the field, if not even more issues. You can’t get Bibliomuse from Deck if you target Voltelluric with Monstrosity, you have to actually draw Fiendess and Voltelluric or find a way to get Voltelluric from Deck into the GY, and you actually have to hard-draw Monstrosity. I would much rather be using Fiendess for the omni-negate than using it for its other effect. Perhaps it can come up in situations revolving around you Special Summoning Guru and getting an additional copy of Fiendess for your following turn, but I don’t see it being used too often in this Deck. 3 Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio, 1 Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra, and 2 Lonefire Blossom. I cannot express how good Master of Ham is. And with it being a Level 5 Fusion Monster who is able to be Summoned off of Instant Fusion, it practically means that you should be doing almost everything you can to get to Instant Fusion. And the fact that Scorpio and Cobra accomplish that while also giving you 2 additional bodies on field is just so incredible that it has resulted in me including them in a lot of versions of Prediction Princess. Scorpio sends a monster from hand to GY on Normal or Special Summon to Special Summon a Predaplant monster from Deck except for itself. Cobra searches for a Fusion or Polymerization Spell Card upon being Special Summoned by the effect of a Predaplant monster once per Duel. And Lonefire Blossom tributes a Plant monster as a soft once per turn to Special Summon a Plant monster from Deck.
Spell/Traps: 1 Instant Fusion for Master of Ham. 3 Underworld Ritual of Prediction which Ritual Summons a Prediction Princess Ritual Monster from hand or GY face-up or face-down and you can banish it from GY during the Standby Phase to Special Summon a non-Ritual Prediction Princess from Deck face-down. 2 Prediction Ritual which specifically Ritual Summons Prediction Princess Tarotrei and you can banish it from GY except during the turn it was sent there in order to search for a Prediction Princess monster. 3 Pre-Preparation of Rites. 3 Pot of Prosperity. 1 Terraforming. 3 The Hidden City. On activation, it adds a Subterror monster from Deck to hand and once per turn, it can change a face-down Defense Position Subterror monster you control to face-up Attack or Defense Position. Those are the 2 effects we are mainly using but Hidden City has a 3rd effect which once per turn allows you to change a face-down Subterror monster you control to face-up Attack or Defense Position when an opponent’s monster declares an attack to negate that attack. And 3 World Legacy Monstrosity which either Special Summons a Level 9 monster from hand or targets a Level 9 monster you control to Special Summon 2 Level 9 monsters from your Deck with a different Type and Attribute but with different names.
Extra Deck: 1 Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment which can be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by banishing 3 monsters you control with different names. 1 Master of Ham which Special Summons a Flip Monster from hand or Deck on Fusion Summon. 2 Herald of the Arc Light which adds a Ritual Monster or a Ritual Spell from Deck to hand if sent to GY. 1 Divine Arsenal AA-Zeus - Sky Thunder. 1 Infinitrack Earth Slicer. 2 Mereologic Aggregator. 1 Laevateinn, Generaider Boss of Shadows and 1 Jormungandr, Generaider Boss of Eternity. 1 Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess, 1 Cross-Sheep, 1 S:P Little Knight, 1 I:P Masquerena, and 1 Gravity Controller.
Side Deck: 2 Nibiru, the Primal Being, 3 Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju, 3 Dark Ruler No More, 1 Harpie’s Feather Duster, 2 Lightning Storm. 3 Evenly Matched, and 1 Subterror Final Battle (as an option).
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