This deck aims to explote the underrated quality of the subterror guru control decks: Their inmunity to the most played floodgates in the game.
By combining the Subterror Guru stringent strategy with the obvious stringency of floodgates, you can arise the highest level of control ever imagined in the game. Playing there can be only one at 3 and Gozen Match at 2, you can lock your oponent out of all the combos and strategies that imply monsters of the same type or different atributes. Furthermore the deck is designed to adapt the strategy to the oponent's deck by removing from the main deck the floodgate which isn't useful against an archetype (i.e: Playing against slamangreat you should remove gozen match as all the Salamangreat monsters are fire type, so the card is basically a "brick") and introducing in the main deck nteresting cards for a control deck such as Ash Blossom, Crackdown, Super Polymerization or Skill drain. You can even introduce 2 evenly matched in case of going second, which might be a weakness of the deck if you don't control the tempo porperly.
Furthermore you play 2 copies of mystic mine (+ terraforming + set rotation) that might slow the game enough to help you to take control of the game in situations in which you don't draw the Subterror Guru (which is one of the main problems that could arise when playing this archetype).
And last, but not least, I have incorporated a card I consider hardly underrated by the competitive comunity that is Witch's Strike, with a lot of potential in a format in which the negations are so extended. If activated and resolved, you have many chances to win the duel.