With the new TCG banlist, duelists think they're safe to play their fancy pants 10-minute-turn combo decks with Ariseheart gone and with that, the decline of usage of Dimension Shifter and Droll.
With that thinking, I believe it's time to make a meta call and remind your opponents what it's like to be floodgated to the Shadow Realm with Subterror Dragoon!
One of the few strategies able to comfortably use both Droll and Shifter, this strategy can break simplified boards easily with Dragoon, then cheese out games by flipping over floodgates! No big brain plays and gigantic combo lines needed, only simple hardcounters to combat the meta!
Laugh as you beatdown your opponents with a 3400ATK Subterror Guru under Skill Drain!
Feel powerful as you obliterate your opponent's monsters with Dragoon's double pop + burn!
Render your opponent's entire strategy useless with your plethora of floodgates as you apply pressure and beatdown with your Subterrors!
There is no strategy guide for this deck since it's really easy to pilot. Simply set cards, and "MONKE-FLIP" until your opponent ragequits!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
GLHF Duelists!