After posting the F2p list I thought maybe other people are willing to waste UR dust just to have a higher win rate with their Non-Meta Deck, so here it is a more Streamline list with interesting interactions. ( The URs are basically staples besides, Borrelsword, Elf, Levianeer )
First the Dmaid Engine short simple sweet coupled with Tefnuit for more consistent access to Sheou who brings extra bodies to the field for I:P who needs them to jumpscare your opponent with Underworld Goddess ( White Lady ) by using an opponents monster and those you have on field.
Spright Elf is also notable here if you can get nurse ( or Spheres if your opponent has a monster ) out this combo is your main way to flood the field, Nurse may as well be the MVP of the deck. Spright Elf also protect Sheou from cards like Imperm or Veiler and is even better if you have I:P under her as well.
Cards like Book & Levianeer are the ones you can interchange a bit to suit more of your style maybe run a extra nurse or parlor they rarely come up but when they do especially levianeer it feels pretty good however most of the time its fodder for Unicorn.
The reason I decided on adding Evenly & Tefnuit ( besides previosly mentioned ) is because you need atleast something going second or else youll find yourself losing to more luck type things, Also Ice Dragon Prison can act as a semi D.D crow just instead you can banish a monster your opponent has of the same type or extend off it I find it to be one of the most versatile cards in the deck which leads to a main "drawback" of the deck.
Versatility is the name of the game here there is no one card combo its always 2-3 cards in your hand that determine your end board and win conditions if you dont find yourself flexible in your approach in the game then this deck or even game may not be for you, theres always mutiple factors that play in to how strong a card can be.
When you have a bounce & omni negate and even extra backrow to stop your opponent Sheou summoning every standby phase & Elf to summon back nurse then she can summon another dmaid from grave become very good resource loops on top of tagging out a dmaid from field for a 7-8 Dmaid in grave and suddenly having game also seem strong.
side note : Only prosp for 3 sending your extra House Dragonmaid & Sheou then a Pisty or Striker, the reason you play both is because sometimes a combo will be ns a Dmaid link off for Striker or Pisty then a revive spell for Spheres.