2024-03-16 23:25:28
+ 2Dark Magic Expanded+ 1Number 48: Shadow Lich+ 2Archfiend's Ghastly Glitch+ 1Xeno Meteorus+ 2Greater Polymerization+ 1Elemental HERO Wildedge+ 1Beast of Talwar+ 1Favorite Hero+ 1Chaos Scepter Blast+ 3Polymerization+ 2Mist Archfiend+ 1Number 47: Nightmare Shark+ 2Magician of Dark Illusion+ 1Elemental HERO Flame Wingman+ 1Dark Magic Inheritance+ 1Sauropod Brachion+ 1Overtex Qoatlus+ 2Advanced Ritual Art+ 1Blackwing - Bora the Spear+ 1Fifth Hope+ 3Archfiend's Roar+ 1Elemental HERO Shining Neos Wingman+ 1Giant Soldier of Steel+ 2Bond Between Teacher and Student+ 1Archfiend's Ascent+ 1Thousand Knives+ 2Archfiend Palabyrinth+ 3Archfiend's Call+ 2Skilled Red Magician+ 2Contract with the Abyss+ 2Dark Magic Twin Burst+ 3Summoned Skull+ 1Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow+ 3Monster Reincarnation+ 1Elemental HERO Woodsman+ 1HERO's Bond+ 2Dark Tinker+ 1Wind-Up Zenmaines+ 2Tricorn the Cacophonous Concert+ 1Lancer Archfiend+ 1Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction+ 1Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss+ 1Generation Next+ 1Dark Fusion+ 2Archfiend's Awakening+ 1Weiss, Lightsworn Archfiend+ 3Call of the Archfiend
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