The gameplan is simple with this deck. Try to summon Junk Speeder as soon as possible, and summon Satellite, Jet, and Junk Synchron from the deck, if you have to summon Quickdraw along side, just try to keep Road Synchron in your deck as much as possible. If you used Dopplewarrior for the synchro summon, activate his effect after Junk Speeder to get the two tokens. After that you can go into Crystal Wing if you cannot extend, or the appropriate synchro for the situation. They are a few ways you can summon Shooting Quasar on your first turn, however you can only get it with Junk Speeder(5), Scarred Warrior(5), Stardust Charge(6), Accel Synchro(tuner and adjustable levels wanting either 1, or 2) or Synchro Formula(2). If you can get Speeder/Scarred out with Stardust Charge, and Accel Synchro, you will want to send Road Synchron to the grave to reduce the level by 4. If you have Speeder, and Scarred, you can use either Formula, or Accel Synchro by sending Junk Synchron to the grave. Either way, you will be able to get other monsters out if you cannot go for Quasar.