Here's a short guide to the deck's base combo
synchro into junk speeder
special summon jet, assault, revolution, stardust and wheel synchrons with speeder's effect
stardust synchron effect to add arrive in light
synchro speeder, jet, assault and stardust for supernova
activate arrive in light, placing converging wills on top
synchro summon using revolution and wheel (it can be treated as a non-tuner and therefore carries the deck) for stardust dragon
arrive in light effect to draw into converging wills
converging wills effects to special summon it and Wurm from deck
revolution effect in GY, pitch top card of deck to special summon as level 1
synchro into star shaman
star shaman effect (if you want)
either synchro celestial and stardust into shooting star then with converging wills, shooting majestic star, or shooting majestic star using stardust, converging wills, stardust and the monster summoned with shaman's effect.
that's the base combo