Springans Explanation
Deck Primer
Springans Explanation
What's Springans?
Springans is an archetype introduced in Blazing Vortex, that continued gaining support until 2023, with Photon Hypernova, that put a stop to the Albaz Lore (For now, 31/03/2024), and stopped the Springans Supports too. The deck actually saw Competitive play when Cyber-Stein was free, being an FTK deck that was actually consistent and budget. After the Cyber-Stein ban, the deck fall down into the rogue/for fun category, only seeing results at locals. Even tho the deck is not competitive, it's still playable, and with a lot of potential, as new archetypes still comes out that in one way or another, synergizes with the deck.
Now that we covered the history of the deck, we can go deeper, into the Positive and Negative points of the deck.
Positive Points
- Price
The deck is very very cheap. The only card that actually costs something is Gigantic "Champion" Sargas, but that card is so busted that you can use it in other decks (We'll talk about it later). The deck core is around 15/20 bucks (At the moment obv), so it's very budget, and a lot of expensive card that you see in a lot of decklist can be actually cutted or changed for some budget variants (Like S:P Little Knight or Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis). - Cards
The archetype cards are pretty strange. They can go from garbage to busted, with no mediocre cards. For example, all the spell cards in the deck are so broken, like Springans Watch (A searcher and a foolish, all-in-one) and Tally-ho! Springans (Up to 3 monster reborn and a searcher, all-in-one). Some monsters are good too, like the already mentioned Gigantic "Champion" Sargas, a card that's so good that other decks played it for a lot of reason: Piece of interruption during Opponent Turn, Searcher of Therion cards, a generic rank-up for a Zeus with 4 material (A thing that was possible only in rank 1/2/3/5/6 deck or in specific decks). - Engines
The coolest part of the archetype, in my opinion, is the engines that you can play with it. A lot of rank 4 in the game are generic, meaning that you can use ANY level 4 monster to summon them. Considering that the deck can summon a lot of Level 4 monster even without the normal summon, so, as long as an XYZ monster has a search effect, this allows the deck to make a lot of combos with various engines, like: Exosisters, Utopia, Time Thief, Centurion, Snake-Eyes, Etc... - Flex Spots
Considering that the deck plays like 20/25 cards (Based on the ratio that you use), you can put anything in the deck having a low risk of bricking (Handtrap, Going Second cards, Extenders, Etc...). Obviously, if you play other engines, the flex spots will change. - FTK
The deck is literally made for this kind of stuff. As long as there's an Xyz monster that searches, the deck can do basically anything, like putting insane boards or even locking the opponent. The risk is the consistency of the deck, obviously reduced by the number of combo pieces in the deck, but you know the drill: High Risk, High Rewards. - Engine in other decks
As I alredy mentioned when talking about Gigantic "Champion" Sargas, every deck that can put 2 level 4 monster on board can play this card, but if you want, you can even play a little Springans engine in the deck, that basically make 2 level 4 monster you control becomes 2 level 4 monster AND 2 Xyz monster (Both not Number, so they can be used not only for link plays, but for F0 too). For example, a deck that use this engine is Crystal Beast.
Negative Points
- Handtraps
Unless you're playing a lot of extenders or ways to dodge Handtraps, like Crossout Designator, the deck is very weak against Handtraps. Even tho the "softer" handtraps, like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring or Effect Veiler, are not that much of a deal (If you have the right hand or some extenders), the "strongest" handtraps, like Droll & Lock Bird or Dimension Shifter, are a big red STOP for all the plays. Even tho cards like Dimension Shifter are used only in specific deck, Droll & Lock Bird or Nibiru, the Primal Being are instead used in a lot of decks/side decks. - Going Second
Unless you're not playing specific going second cards, going second with this deck is basically impossible. Considering that the main card of the deck is a Field Spell, that can be stopped with a single Mystical Space Typhoon, the deck can't go second that easily, even with the best hand you can ever imagine. Useless to say that the deck is weak against all the lock or floodgates. - Monsters
I know, that's strange, considering that in the Positive Points, I specified the strenght of the archetype cards, but there's one big flaw. The archetype monsters (The main deck ones). They all sucks. Their effects are not that good and a lot of them are pretty specific or kinda meh. The only good part of those cards is the effect that overlays them, the rest of the effect is 90% of the time mediocre at best. Just saying that one of the best main deck monster in the deck is Springans Kitt, that's basically a branded card and has nothing to do with the Springans cards. - Brick
The deck is actually pretty solid, so bricking will happen like 1 time in 10 hands, but when you brick, you can't do nothing. While other deck can still go to back up plans in case of bricking, when this deck bricks, the only thing you can do is a T set and pass (That's a 99% lose signal). That's way I like to play lots of extenders of searches, depending on the version I'm using.
In the current meta, the deck as like 0% of being meta. Considering that the meta decks nowadays all revolves around 1/2 card combos with absurd grinding and 15 minimun handtraps (Watch Voiceless Voice or Snake-Eyes) or Floodgates/Anti Meta Strategy (Like Yubel). On top of this, all the top handtraps of the formats are deadly for the deck. We hope that the banlist can treat as good or that Konami releases new supports for the deck or cards that work very good with it.
The List
The list that I created for this decklist is a generic pure one with some extenders and handtraps, but you can change it based on your likings. I will still give you some advice about the ratio of the cards, if you want to play more cards without going with a 60 card list:
- Monster:
- Springans Rockey: 3x
He's the star of the deck. Rockey+The field spell is full combo in all the lists. No less than 3. - Springans Brothers : 2x
Brothers is that card that is too heavy at 3x but too weak at 1x. 2x is the best ratio imo. - Springans Branga: 2/1x
If you play the pure version, always go for the 2x. Good searcher, you always need that extra copy. If you're playing a spicy version, go for the 1x. Considering that you're playing other engines, 2x can be heavy, unless you're playing a Rank 8 deck, in that case, stick with the 2x. - Springans Kitt: 3/2x
Same thing as Branga. In the pure, go for 3x, in the other versions, go for the 2x. - Springans Captain Sargas: 1x
It doesn't matter the version, Sargas in hand is always a brick and you want it in your deck. Always go for the 1x. - Springans Pedor: 0x
The worst Springans. The effect is not that good, and having 1 extra discard for the Field Spell is not that necessary, considering all the searchers in the deck and the other good target to discard. - Supreme Sovereign Serpent of Golgonda: 0x
This card was actually very good in the first version of the deck, when all the new cards didn't exists. Nowadays it's just a brick or a wasted slot. But, I wanna give him an actual use. If you're playing a rank 8 version of the deck (With Therion or Horus), it's a free extenders and a discard fodder, considering that he can summon himself back from the Graveyard.
- Springans Rockey: 3x
- Spell:
- Actually, except for the continuos spell, Springans Booty, all the other spells are so busted that you need to play 3x. Booty, in the other hand, is a Field Spell Searcher that cannot be ashed or belle, so 3/2x, it's good both ways.
- Trap:
- The opposite of the spell part. All the trap sucks, except for Springans Blast!, that's a monster negate if you control a Springans Monster. It can be meh in the wrong hand, so put it in 1x, if you want.
- Extra Monster:
- Springans Merrymaker: 2x
Even tho the monster is very good and the combo starter of the deck, 3x is not that necessary, considering that you can recycle it with Springans Rockey. 2x Is the best ratio. - Springans Ship - Exblowrer: 1x
This monster is actually pretty good, but not that good to put it in 2/3x. It's effect is actually cool, basically a destruction that target the zones and not the cards, but is not that broken and in some match-up destroying is not the best option (Look at Unchained). Still a good target. - Gigantic "Champion" Sargas: 2x
I already talked about this card before, but I will explain quickly why it's that strong. This card does everything. Firstly, it's a searcher that doesn't need any setup (I'm looking at you, Springans Branga), that can search not only Springans, but Therion too, making Therion "King" Regulus easier to search without using cards like Qliphort Genius. Secondly, it's a free destruction/bounce in the opponent turn, that actually work very well with the other Springans Captain Sargas. Third, It's a way to add more material to Zeus, a card that's not only very strong, but that in Springans is much stronger, considering that you can setup an 8 materials Zeus without using 100 steps combo or some strange ways. The only reason why we don't play 3x, is because the deck doesn't need it. Trust me, if a game is so pushed that you need the third copy, it's better giving up than playing that game (Experience talk). - Sprind the Irondash Dragon: 1x
I mean, you only need it to activate Branded in High Spirits and to summmon Springans Captain Sargas from the deck during the End Phase. More than 1 is useless.
- Springans Merrymaker: 2x
That's all for the ratio, now, let's talk about all the possible budget changes in the deck.
(Before you start reading, those cards are expensive nowadays, 31/03/2024)
Now, considering that the deck is not that expensive, there are few cards that you actually need to change to make it budget:
- Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder: Considering that Zeus is basically a Springans card (In the spirit at least), changing it it's a real challenge. You can go with the Evilswarm Exciton Knight, but considering that Zeus is a staple in a lot of decks, paying 10 bucks for it is not that big of a deal in my opinion. Who am I tho to judge you? Do what you want with your money.
- S:P Little Knight: Go for Knightmare Phoenix.
- Underworld Goddess of the Closed World: Actually, you don't need it in the main deck. You can just put some Kaijus in the side deck and it will be okay.
- Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess: Apo is not that easy to change, considering that she's the only real good link -4 monster boss monster with disruption. Another one link -4 monster that can change her is Unchained Abomination, that actually synergizes very well with the 2 Sargas.
- Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis: Typhon is actually pretty good in the deck because a lot of end board monster we use doesn't have 3000+ ATK, but he's not that important for the deck. Just put any extra deck monster that you want.
As I already tell, Springans can be fused with a lot of other engines, and sometimes those fusions are actually really good. So, I'm giving you 3 options that, always in my opinion, are worth a shot:
- "Synchron"
Now, as Synchron I don't mean the 1948302 step combos that ends with God himself on the board, but playing just 1 of 2 cards, that are either Assault Synchron (For Baronne plays) or Revolution Synchron (For Ancient Fairy Dragon combos). Either way, they're both good, and they don't require a lot of space in the deck/extra deck, unless you don't wanna go for the ftk line, but that's your choice. - Centurion
This version is probably one of my favorite. Centurion synergizes so well with the archetype, being both a starter for the deck, in case of bricking, and as an end board combo. Probably, one of the best version to include in the deck. - Snake-Eyes
This is a strange duo actually. Thanks to Infernal Flame Banshee, the deck can basically add any Snake-Eyes monster, without using the normal summon and with some link material left on the board. There isn't an actually synergy between the 2 deck, but Snake-Eyes is so op, that just searching an archetype monster, can basically bring you an absolute disgusting board.
Actually, the combos the I use nowadays are the same that I used times ago in an old list, so I will just post the link here:
The list is a bit different, but the combos are basically the same. If you want to know more insane combos, you can just search online. There are a lot of psychos out there trying things that even God didn't know.
Konami Support
Now, after reading all the wall text, you noticed that the deck is not in a very good shape nowadays. The only way to make things better is with a new banlist or with new Supports, but I doubt this will happen. The only thing that can actually go out of the banlist that can help the deck, is probably the Zoodiac cards, while Cyber-Stein will probably remain banned, unless they make an errata, and at that point, the card will be probably useless. For the supports, I think Konami said stop with the Albaz lore or, if they print something new, it will be just for Branded or some useless lore card. Never stop believing tho.
I hope you will try the deck and start loving it, just like me. Thanks to you all for the reading. Bye bye.
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