This deck is inspired by recent YCS tops that featured a very interesting way to play Spright - the deck is stuffed full of blind second boardbreaker spells.
After the board and gamestate is simplified with the power spells, Spright can easily OTK by generating a lot of level 2/link 2/rank 2 bodies on field and powering them up with the powerful SPRIGHT GAMMA BURST!
This quick play spell (playable during the damage step so it 's very hard to negate) boosts every level 2/link 2/rank 2 monster on the field by 1400ATK/DEF easily enabling your Spright monsters to OTK!
Since this deck is relatively easy to pilot (standard Spright combo) with a very easy gameplan (blow stuff up with boardbreakers) there won't be an in-depth guide this time. Spright Gamme Burst is the perfect deck to ladder up and grind with in Masterduel since games tend to be quick, straight forward and easy to play. Give it a shot, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
GLHF Duelists!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!