2025-01-30 13:08:58
+ 1Magician's Circle+ 1Hero Flash!!+ 1E - Emergency Call+ 1Dark Magic Attack+ 1Change of Heart+ 1Exchange+ 1Dark Renewal+ 1Berserker Soul+ 1Gravekeeper's Servant+ 1Harpie's Feather Duster+ 1Hero Counterattack+ 1Hysteric Sign+ 1Hero Signal+ 1Reload+ 1Mystic Box+ 1Hero Ring+ 1Magical Dimension+ 1Rite of Spirit+ 1Elemental Recharge+ 1R - Righteous Justice+ 1Hero Blast+ 1Necrovalley Throne+ 1Harpie's Feather Rest+ 1Hero Barrier+ 1Necrovalley+ 1Skyscraper 2 - Hero City+ 1Eternal Soul+ 1Fifth Hope+ 1Necrovalley Temple+ 1Gravekeeper's Inscription+ 1Skyscraper+ 1Cyber Shield+ 1Thousand Knives+ 1O - Oversoul+ 1Magic Formula+ 1Hero Heart+ 1Hidden Temples of Necrovalley+ 1Royal Tribute+ 1Card Destruction+ 1NEXT+ 1H - Heated Heart+ 1Harpies' Hunting Ground+ 1HERO's Bond+ 1Magic Jammer+ 1Hysteric Party+ 1Fake Hero+ 1Hero Spirit+ 1Mage Power+ 1Generation Next+ 1Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation+ 1Harpie's Feather Storm+ 1Magicians' Defense+ 1Elegant Egotist+ 1Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley+ 1Magical Blast+ 1Alluring Mirror Split+ 1Rope of Life+ 1Gravekeeper's Trap+ 1Gravekeeper's Stele+ 1Dark Magic Curtain
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