2024-08-22 06:38:06
+ 1Magistus Vritra+ 3Nadir Servant+ 3Ultimate Slayer+ 3Fusion Deployment+ 1Magistus Theurgy+ 1Ninaruru, the Magistus Glass Goddess+ 3Endymion, the Magistus of Mastery+ 1Crowley, the Magistus of Grimoires+ 2Witchcrafter Vice-Madame+ 1Garura, Wings of Resonant Life+ 3Magicalized Fusion+ 2Lightning Storm+ 1Witchcrafter Madame Verre+ 3Witchcrafter Schmietta+ 1Called by the Grave+ 2Granguignol the Dusk Dragon+ 3Branded in High Spirits+ 2Artemis, the Magistus Moon Maiden+ 1Magistus Invocation+ 1Aiwass, the Magistus Spell Spirit+ 3Zoroa, the Magistus of Flame+ 3Spell Power Mastery+ 3Super Polymerization+ 1Despian Luluwalilith+ 1Mudragon of the Swamp+ 3Witchcrafter Creation+ 1Witchcrafter Edel+ 1Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous+ 1Trismagistus+ 1Vahram, the Magistus Divinity Dragon+ 1Witchcrafter Genni+ 1Magistus Chorozo+ 1Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted+ 1Witchcrafter Golem Aruru+ 3Rilliona, the Magistus of Verre+ 1Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe+ 1Dogmatika Punishment+ 1Witchcrafter Bystreet+ 2Witchcrafter Holiday+ 1Witchcrafter Haine+ 2Blazing Cartesia, the Virtuous+ 1Zoroa, the Magistus Conflagrant Calamity+ 3Magicians' Souls
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