Spellbook deck for April 2020. The goal is to turbo Jowgen the Spiritualist to lock opponents out of special Summoning, equip him with battle protection from Power of the Guardians, and grind games to a halt.
There's a very small package of monsters, with the vast majority of the deck being spells. 3 Magicians' Souls serve as draw power, this deck is pretty good at taking advantage of Spellbooks in the GY, but more importantly, this lets you filter through cards you don't need to dig to your floodgates, which are how you win the game. You have the advantage of naturally wanting to run 1 High Priestess of Prophecy anyways, which you can send off of this and reanimate with Spellbook of Life. High Priestess is a beater with a half-decent removal. It's a good way to pop backrow and it gives you some sort of way to beat over bigger monsters your opponent might normal summon.
There are, of course, 3 Jowgen. Since you can't search this card, the goal is to dig for him. The deck has a lot of filtering and drawing that you can pull off all in one turn, and it's not unusual to see half of your deck in the first turn, meaning you have reasonably good odds of drawing him. His board wipe ability is icing that makes him less dead going second.
We've got a full playset of Blue Boy, Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. This card has the spellbook name, which is relevant for some spellbook effects, and also searches any of your spellbook cards. This can search for Secrets, and secrets can search for this, giving you a lot of deck thinning abilities. It does suck using your normal summon for him, since it locks you out of Jowgen for the turn, but the set up with this card is real and it's an obvious 3 of.
The deck runs several field spells. 2 copies of Mystic Mine are super clutch. Since this deck wins by grinding games to a halt, you have a good go second option when things are protected from Jowgen's field wipe ability. The deck also runs 2 Demise of the Land and 1 Metaverse, so you can drop Mystic Mine on your opponent after they've summoned their second monster to basically end their turn. Those searchers can also find out other field spells, 1 Secret Village of Spellcasters and 1 Grand Spellbook Tower. Secret Village of Spellcasters is super deadly against any deck reliant on spells, such as fusion decks (Shaddolls, HERO) or spell-spam decks (True Draco, Skystriker). You have to decide which floodgate is better, but having extra field spells to use to turn your Mine off is also helpful. The Spellbook Tower is... fine. It recycles Spellbook cards and can let you draw an extra card per turn, which is nice, especially for a grindy deck, but we've got better field spells in most matchups.
We've got a single copy of One Day of Peace and a single Upstart Goblin. One Day of Peace just gives you that one turn to set up, while also increasing the consistency of the deck, which Upstart is solely a small consistency boost. The deck is geared towards drawing 4 each turn with the spellbook combo, so the more card draw I could add to that the more consistently I could stick a Jowgen. The One Day of Peace has seriously impressed me, it really takes the pressure off and lets me use Blue Boy to search.
For spellbooks, We've got 3 Secrets, 3 Knowledge, and 2 Master. If you use Knowledge first and then the Master you can draw 4 - its also possible to use Blue Boy to find Secrets (or vice versa), find Master, search Knowledge, and then draw 2, getting an extra search out of it. This plus Magicians' Souls is the deck's bread and butter.
We've also got 2 copies of Spellbook of Eternity, to recycle our spellbooks (works sort of like a combo extender in the deck) and 3 copies of Spellbook of Fate. Spellbook of Fate banishes 1 card without targeting, which is its primary purpose, but I have on occasion used all 3 of its abilities. Good removal is good - using a quickplay spell to banish without targeting is unreal.
We also have the single copies of Spellbook of Life, which helps resurrect either Jowgen or High Priestess, and one copy of Spellbook of Power, which can be copied with Spellbook of the Master to give a creature 2000 Atk points. This can be crucial to help Jowgen beat over bigger normal summoned monsters while searching twice.
For the last maindeck slot we have 3 Solemn Judgement. Half of your life points is nothing compared to stopping that Lightning Storm or other key effect/creature that would out Jowgen.
In the extra deck we have... some stuff. We have every Super Poly target, including a couple weird ones I felt I had space for (super polying 2 Dark Dragons to make Furious might seem on the face of it weaker than Starving Venom, but I like the flexibility). Then we have 2 Crowley, which can work with Blue Boy and Souls to grab another spellbook. We have one of each Link 2 Knightmare for a spot of extra deck removal, and 1 Verte Anaconda to use Super Poly as extra deck removal.
The Side Deck are a bunch of options to break boards in different matchups, so that going second isn't a death sentence.