Today we'll tackle one of my favorite archetypes... dinosaurs! Dinosaurs are a super fun aggro deck for casual speed dueling that can beat down the opponents very quickly. With the Ultimate Predators starter deck still readily available (as of October 2022) you can build really cheap Dino and Insect decks.
First up, we run (2) Dark Driceratops. With 2400 attack (2700 with Dinosaur Kingdom), this is a formidable boss monster that can dish out piercing damage to defense position monsters. Most importantly though is that it can beat over Jinzo.
Next, we run (3) Hyper Hammerhead and (3) Gilasaurus. Hammerhead gives us a very handy bounce if an opponent attacks it, while Gilasaurus will give us a free special summon to use as tribute for Driceratops. Gilasaurus is the card you really want to open with so your opponent can't benefit from it, so that's why we need to run the max amount.
We top off the monsters with (3) Gale Lizard, another card that can bounce monsters back to the opponents hand and can be used as fuel for Ultra Evolution Pill for another free special summon.
For the spells, we'll run (2) Night Beam and (1) Ultra Evolution Pill. Night Beam will help clear the backrow so we can go in for huge damage and Pill will give us a free special summon off of Gale Lizard.
For traps, we have (3) Kunai, and (3) Floodgate Trap Hole. Kunai and Trap Hole are arguably our most important cards as we want to make sure our opponent's monsters are in defense position as much as possible.
For our skill card we'll run Dinosaur Kingdom for the extra attack. We want to go as aggro as possible.
Our side deck is a toolbox to deal with other threats. Get creative with it.