A somewhat free-form deck that's highly customizable and pretty flexible. There are a ton of gimmicks you can mix and match. This is just one of many paths you could take.
Use GrandSolfachord Musecia, DoSolfachord Cutia, Solfachord Elegance, Diviner of the Heralds and or Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm to search the pendulum scales you need, then Pendulum Summon and toolbox. Almost always at minimum your opponent can't negate the pendulum summon (so no Solemns), and usually your opponent can't activate effects (so no Ash, Veiler, Imperm as long as you pendulum summon at least 1 Solfachord).
Crusadia Equimax into Magius + a Special Summon (Angelia, Dreamia, Supreme King Gate Zero, sometimes Trias Hierarchia, even DoSolfachord Coolia) searches a Tuner that summons itself.
Gate Zero can also become a Tuner to access Halqifibrax with it's on-field effect. Pop a scale to summon Shooting Riser Dragon from your Extra Deck, then Gate Zero puts itself into the scale, replacing the card you just popped.
Remember that Ash and Veiler are also Tuners. You can use Veiler + Trias to summon Baroness, or Ash + Gracia to summon Savage Dragon off of Halq, or just Pendulum Summon them if the situation calls for it.
Cross-Sheep can pull a Tuner like Diviner out of the GY for Synchro or Halq plays (or any monster really for whatever you want) when combo'd with Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon.
Verte Anaconda is an easy monster you can summon with even the worst hands and summons basically Kirin 2.0 for free lol this card's mega broken
In simpler gamestates and versus some decks the Solfachords' battle and protection effects really shine. Don't forget that the field spell has a pop effect if you control 3 even-scaled (2, 4, 6, 8) or 3 odd-scaled (1, 3, 5, 7) which even lets you beat things like Mystic Mine. Might play more than 1 copy since a smart opponent will likely aim all their removal at it.
And of course the monsters are cute!