Populus is an incredible card! It's ability to set up plays is amazing and it's addition is welcome in snake eye.
Here's a sample combo
Normal summon Excel
Add Populus
Populus effect summon self.
Add the original sinful spoils
Activate the original sinful spoils and target excel
summon orac
revive excel
Link populus for linkuriboh and put it in the spell/trap zone
Activate excel targeting itself and populus and summon flamberge dragon from your deck.
Flamberge dragon targets populus and sets it to the spell trap zone as a spell
link orac and flamberge for sunlight wolf to the zone linkuriboh points to
flamberge revives two snake eyes
link linkuriboh and a snake eye for I:p to where sunlight wolf is pointing
recycle a monster of your choice
Use linkuriboh to revive itself and link it with sunlight wolf and I:P for terahertz.
Mill desavewurm
Depemding on your hand you can also go for a heatsoul play or other plays entirely. This is just a sample combo and the deck is still a work in progress but I genuinely enjoy this deck so far and I think it has potential thanks to its new member, I hope to try out various options and techs but here's what I got for the time being.