Debuting in Age of Overlord, Snake-Eyes is a swarm Deck focused on Level 1 Fire Monsters and interacting with Monsters in the Spell/Trap zone.

Let's start with two of the most important cards in the Deck, "The Sinful Spoils Hunter Fiend" and Diabellestarr the Dark Witch. The first is a Quick-Play Spell that fetches you Starr from anywhere but the banish pile. It's effect in the GY recycles a Sinful Spoil card that is in the GY or Banished, which allows you to keep cycling the negate Trap Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia.
Meanwhile the lore protagonist, Diabellestarr the Dark Witch can Special Summon herself by sending a card that is Face-up or in the hand, this synergizes with your Snake-Eyes since they put themselves in the backrow or getting Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon out of your Hand/triggering it. When Summoned Starr adds to your hand a Sinful Spoil card, usually it will be The Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye or Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia, the later if you got her via Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase. When sent to the GY in the Opponent's turn which you can do via I:P Masquerena, Snake-Eye Wight Birch or Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia, she can send 1 card in your Hand or Face-up on the Field to bring her back, meaning you can trigger Flamberge and get a search for Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye or send a Monster equipped by Relinquished Anima.
First one should always be at 3, its a must have for the Deck since it fetches your 3rd best starter. As for Starr she is either a 1-3 of, Poplus and Excel makes her weird to use due to Chase's need to trigger her during the End Phase.

The remaining cards tied to Starr are Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye and Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia, the first one is a better Book of Moon that also happens to help your Deck, removing threats like Mirrorjade the Iceblade Dragon, Elemental HERO Absolute Zero or the upcoming Lancea, Dragonic Ancestor of the Ice Spirit Mountain.
As for Silvia its a recurring negate that keeps getting recycled and set back by Starr whenever she is summoned back, letting you have a nasty grind with her and Flamberge in rotation. It can negate any effects that respond to Starr or a Sinful Spoil by banishing itself from your GY allowing your The Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye to resolve without much issue.
These 2 should always be at 1 since you can recycle them, besides the fact sometimes you won't even need more than 1 to win a game due to the sheer ammount of advantage you generate every turn.

Starr's plundering ventures are cut short upon coming eye to eye with The Glaring Ruler Snake-Eyes, this Trap is searcheable off Snake-Eyes Populus, it can put a Monster from the Opponent's GY or Field onto the backrow, which prevents your opponent from accessing crucial cards like their Tearlaments names, Abominable Chamber targets and such. Its other effect Specials a Monster whose is currently treated as a Continuous Spell, which rarely comes up.
Meanwhile The Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye makes Starr and Populus starters for the Deck, since it Tributes a Face-up Monster to Emergency Teleport a Level 1 Fire from your Deck, which is why this card is ran together with Starr in Rescue-ACE for Rescue-ACE Hydrant, Legendary Fire King Ponix in Fire Kings and Infernoid Decatron for Noids. It can recycle Starr or another Snake-Eye Monster while adding a Level 1 Fire from GY, giving you follow-up which is great.
The first one is very optional, it shouldnt be ran in the main Deck together with Subversion since they have the same function basically. As for Original 2-3 should suffice, its a very crucial card for the Deck but the support does mitigate situations where you don't have access to it.

Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon is the Deck's "Boss Monster" mostly a combo piece that enables some set-ups and is used to generate insane ammounts of advantage, it can place a Monster from the GY or Face-up in the backrow, making this very crucial for Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase or having material for your other Snake-Eyes. During the Opponent's turn it can Summon those Monsters in the backrow, which you can also use Snake-Eyes Populus to set them up. But the most interesting part of Flamberge is that when sent to the GY it gets to Summon back 2 Snake-Eyes/Level 1 Fires. This means Starr and Linking it away is just free real state.
Meanwhile not as crucial to the Deck. The Shrine of Serpentine Sight - Snake-Eye puts a Snake-Eye Monster from Deck, Hand or GY in the backrow. It gives your Level 1 Fires a 1100ATK boost which doesnt matter since they will be Linked away. When the Opponent Summons a Monster, like Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map, it allows you to bring forth your Monsters in the backrow, which not only gives you free Link materials but it also means you get to use Flamberge's effect to put other stuff out of the backrow. You will use this card to get value in turns you had to use Starr as your starter.
Flamberge should be at 1-2, I prefer 2 due to the rise in popularity of D.D. Crow and just the fact he isn't a massive brick, meanwhile Shrine can be ran at 0-1, its up to personal choice.

The triad of Level 1 Fires of the Deck all of them share the effect of sending Face-up cards and themselves to the GY to Summon another Snake-Eyes Monster from Deck, besides Birch which does it on the Opponent's turn only, starting with Snake-Eye Excel or as the TCG localized it "Ash", it is the most important one and leads to the most rewarding set-ups, being a 1 card combo starter who Stratos on summon, fetching Populus for combo. Since he is able to add any 1 Fire you can add Kurikara Divincarnate for board breaking.
Snake-Eye Oark is very important in the body generation and better rewards, you usally want to have him, Excel and Pop in the GY for when you send Flamberge, giving you 3 bodies which you get in your Excel 1 card combo which puts all of them besides Birch in rotation.
Snake-Eye Wight Birch is the worse one out of the bunch, Special Summoning himself for free if you control a Fire Monster and sending itself and another card to Summon another Snake-Eyes, which rarely comes up.
You usually will get them into rotation via the following: Excel getting Pop, sending both to get the Oark which will reborn one of them + Pop setting the other one, Oark will then send for Flamberge, getting you 3 names in rotation + Dragon.

The newer support contains a card that makes Excel actually insane, Snake-Eyes Populus fetches any Snake-Eye card on Summon, he can Summon himself upon being added which means Bonfire and Excel can just get to it for more bodies and searching, while also making Oark and Flamberge better in the process. And when this cute critter is sent to the GY he gets to put one of your Snake-Eyes in the backrow facilitating the sends and Flamberge set-ups.
Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase puts Starr in the backrow from anywhere and Summons a card in the backrow during the endphase, which mostly will be Starr setting the Silvia.
=Combo Example=
1 Snake-Eye Excel/Bonfire or any body + The Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye
Snake-Eye Excel Normal Summon add Snake-Eyes Populus > Snake-Eyes Populus Special Summons adding Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase > Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase puts Diabellestarr the Dark Witch in the backrow > Snake-Eye Excel sends Diabellestarr the Dark Witch and itself to the GY for Snake-Eye Oark > Snake-Eye Oark revives Snake-Eye Excel > Snake-Eye Oark sends himself and Snake-Eye Excel summoning Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon > Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon puts in the backrow Diabellestarr the Dark Witch > Link Summon I:P Masquerena with Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon and Snake-Eyes Populus > Snake-Eyes Populus GY effect puts Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon in the backrow while Flam's GY effect brings back any 2 names > those 2 names Linked away into Linkuriboh and then into S:P Little Night > Endphase Snake-Eye Dramatic Chase will Summon Diabellestarr the Dark Witch which sets Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia. Right now we have I:P, 1 trade with S:P and a negate via Lucia, BUT if Silvia is used next turn... send Diabellestarr the Dark Witch for Sinful Spoils of Betrayal - Silvia negating something > Diabellestarr the Dark Witch sends Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon to the GY Summoning herself back setting Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye > Flamberge will be Summoning Snake-Eye Oark and Snake-Eye Excel > Snake-Eye Excel will add Snake-Eye Wight Birch while Snake-Eye Oark reborns Snake-Eyes Populus adding The Shrine of Serpentine Sight - Snake-Eye or The Original Sinful Spoils - Snake-Eye. This gives you 4 materials for I:P Masquerena, follow-up with Snake-Eye Wight Birch, material for next turn with The Shrine of Serpentine Sight - Snake-Eye and a disruption with Sinful Spoils of Subversion - Snake-Eye.