Purpose of the deck, get tribute fodder on the field and summon Slifer. Its a fun deck that isn't perfect (can brick a little sometimes). A lot of people on here could make it better and stronger by throwing in more meta cards like hand traps and such but this deck is designed for fun using God support cards, God themed typed cards or cards similar to the cards used in the anime by characters who summon the God cards (Reactor Slime/Egyptian God Slime for example).
The point of the deck is get tribute fodder (mostly tokens) on the board and get Slifer in your hand using spell cards or through the draw power and then lock your opponent out of summoning <2k monsters as your hand builds up and Slifer becomes a massive beat stick.
Below is a quicks breakdown of the deck and why they are used:
1 x Obelisk: is thrown in because its only God that has built in protection and increase odds of you getting a God in your hand since just 3 Slifer isn't enough. Other monster's are pretty self explanatory.
3 x Reactor Slime: for its token effect and ability's to bring Metal Reflect Slimed on the field, which is then used for Egyptian God Slime.
3 x Ra's Disciple: gets another 2 and if you got a god and Advance Draw (combo this with The True Name), you'll get a God out on your turn or use Soul Crossing during your opponents turn, tribute their monster's and you then keep a few ready for another god to come out later.
3 x Scapeghost: is slow being a flip effect, but if it Flips, BOOM! 4 monsters....cant say no to that.
1 x Vanitys Ruler: because why not (can easily be taken out if don't like as the deck is at 41) Another tribute summon option with a good effect. Doesn't need to be here but fun if he is
For the spell cards I've quickly explained above the combo of Card Advance and The True Name and the usage of Soul Crossing.
2 x Thunderforce Attack: Doesnt need to be at 3, easily a brick card early game but good enough to utilize for its destructive power on opponents turn, or its destructive and draw power if used on your turn. plus its a Slifer card so why not.
2 x Mound of Bound Creator + 1 x Terraforming: Extra protection for Slifer, plus using a Terraforming to get one to hand thins the deck (Can easily be taken and replaced if wish for hand traps or other cards you might prefer)
3 x Supply Squad: If you don't get a God, and your tokens are just a line of defense, this works quite nicely just to help get to Slifer or other cards. Especially fun when have 2 or all 3 copies out (if they don't get destroyed ofc)
1 x Scapegoat: Play during opponents turn, use them for link bait (hence the Link-1s and 2s in Extra Deck)
1 x Upstart Goblin: Thin deck
The Monster Reborn, HFD and MST are there for the back row destruction and free special summon. These can easily be changed if you want for stronger/better/preferred cards, I use them cos I like them and when I paly casually with friends, back row is used quite a lot (plus HFD was in the Structure Deck, i enjoy the nostalgia)
For Traps:
3 x Reckless Greed: used for more hand size and getting a Slifer in hand. Best played in conjunction with another copy of its self making it worth the loss of a draw phase for 2 turns. Combos nicely with Supply Squad as that allows you to draw as your tokens are maybe getting destroyed whilst you Reckless is stopping you drawing so you don't real feel the draw back as much.
2 x Metal Reflect Slime: in here for Reactor Slime effect and to get Egyptian God Slime out. Doesn't need to be at 3 cos Reactor Slime can get it from Graveyard and tbh could easily be a 1, but its a card I've always loved and I have 2 Ultimate rare copies so thought might as well use both. Can be reduced to 1 and throw in cards you'd like to use but its still a nice 3k DEF monster if used from hand.
The Extra deck revolves around
2 x Egyptian God Slime: 3k beat stick, offer protection to other things and can be sued as 3 tributes for Gods. He is the sub-boss monster of the deck. Bring out using the Reactor and metal Reflect Slime combo mentioned previously
Links: The link-1s and 2s are in here to be used in conjunction with Scapegoat and if they allow, for use with other tokens and monster's so your deck can possibly do something if all 3 Slifer's are hiding at the bottom of your deck. If you wanna use this build my links are probably not the best choice so they can all be changed for better cards or better choices, I'm just using the cards I have. Just ensure whatever link monster's you pick, tokens can be used to summon them and that you have enough Link1s/2s so you can have at least 3 link monster's on field to make full use of Scapegoat's effect.
Hope everyone has fun trying out my build, suggestions welcome. To be honest you could alter this build and make it Obelisk, just replace the Slifer specific cards with Obelisk and his specific cards. If your looking for a cheap build the money card in this is Egyptian God Slime its cocsltys roughly £20+ last I checked in UK (Not inc Black Luster but he's actually a proxy in my physical deck) so you can take him out and leave Reactor Slime and Metal Reflect in as their effects are still good and Metal Reflect has 3k DEF so not easy to power past.