I just reached Platinium 1 with this deck, here's the deck list.
10 handtraps, 10 draw power, 20 other cards, balanced, as all things should be.
Blind 2nd, use handtraps and spell cards to outplay opponents.
Reasons for
NOT playing some of commonly played cards:
Infinite impermanence: Too many effect negations already, effect veiler, fobidden chalice, widow anchor.
Raigeki, lightning storm: Most monsters have floating effect or proections nowdays, these cards might sometimes brick you.
Pot of Avarice: This card sometimes brick, you cannot use it turn one.
Ghost belle, Droll & lock bird, Ghost ogre, Gamma: Not generic enough, sometimes brick.
Call by the grave & Shark Cannon & Crossout Designator: Not all decks use monsters in graveyard, sometimes brick.
Upstar goblin: Chicken's game is better, sky strikers have a hard time OTKing opponent with more than 8K LP, Accesscode & 2 sky striker monsters can only output 8K damage.
Kaiser Colussum & There can only be one: Mostly useless if not going first.
Foolish Brial Goods & Metalfoe Fusion & Toon table of content: Bricks more than it helps.
Knightmare phoneix: cannot use it to out skill drain, imperial order is at 1 and rarely seen, not worth it.
Harpie feather duster, other S&T removal: If Eldlich didn't open skill drain and imperial order, these are not really needed.
Reasons for playing some of the cards:
2 Nibiru: Not 3 by reducing chances of bricking, but high enough for opening & maxx c into it.
2 Veiler: Not 3 because it might brick, need at least 2 for accesscode play.
Borrelsword: To beat off some "unaffected by card effects" boss monsters.
2 Pot of desires: Not 3 because, A, you don't want desires into desires, B, you can't really use 2 since you only have 40 cards in your deck.
Eagle Booster: Good for preventing OTKed by opponent, use it on accesscode and win next turn.
Imperial iron wall: Hurt most decks and help yourself.
Drytron: cannot use eva to +2. Tri-brigade: no banishing to summon & link-4 removal. Gren-maju: dead. VW: shenshen effect useless. Eldlich: cannot go +1 off of traps in grave. Cyber dragon: cannot fusion summon. Invoked Shadoll: invoked summon play got hindered. Generic: Stops accesscode, callby the grave and crossout designator, DD crow, Most Pots.
With Multirole & Impeiral iron wall, you can loop your spells infinitely, gaining unfair advantage. You can also get rid of it with multirole if it hinders you.