Skull servants are a fun OTK deck, but are not meta by any means. The main strategy here is graveyard setup and big numbers. Uni-Zombie gives you access to synchro plays, so you can always blow up the field with Black Rose to nuke the field and attack directly with King of the Skull Servants (hopefully). You can actually summon BLS because Wightprincess is a Light attribute for some reason, but she is the only one in this deck so he can brick a lot. Lady in Wight makes King of the Skull Servants spell/trap immune, which is pretty cool.
I have Princessprite in the Extra Deck because she is the best generic rank 1, and Wightprince activates when detached as XYZ material, so that's a thing. Underclock Taker is good for setting up OTKs because it just gives you a 0 attack monster to swing into if he's pointing to King. Beelze because I can. Borrelsword because I own one, and I would be dumb to not use it.
As far as some of the techier options in this deck:
-Hey, Trunade! is a good bait card. you either waste an opponents negate or get rid of their Solemns, and if nothing else you can set it as a dud for them to pop.
-Final Attack Orders is actually really fun in this deck because it pretty much eliminates stall strategies outside of Waboku and Battle Fader.
-MST over Twin Twisters because I prefer to not discard on my backrow destruction.
-Grand Horn because of personal preference.
The side deck isn't an actual side deck, it's just some cards I've experimented with and had mixed results with. Opti-Camouflage Armor just made me feel bad, plus it doesn't work when Lady in Wight is on the field. Snowman Effect is just a win more card. Battle Mania is kind of pointless because if your opponent just gets rid of all of their monsters they don't have to attack, but when it works you pretty much win instantly. Shiranui Style Solemnity is actually pretty decent, but I don't like banishing all of my stuff (also why I don't run allure). Thunder Dragonduo would work really good with Solemnity if it returned banished monsters during both end phases, but since it works only on your opponent's end phase, it's too slow to do much. Creature swap gives your opponent a 0 attack King to swing into, and then revive to attack with, but you have to control two Kings for it to work.