2025-01-23 10:55:41
+ 1Skull Dice+ 1Ultimate Flame Swordsman+ 1Gearfried the Iron Knight+ 1Fighting Flame Swordsman+ 1Marauding Captain+ 1Alligator's Sword Dragon+ 1Red-Eyes Fusion+ 1Red-Eyes Soul+ 1Salamandra Fusion+ 1Black Skull Dragon+ 1Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword+ 1Beast of Talwar - The Sword Summit+ 1Red-Eyes Slash Dragon+ 1Polymerization+ 1Time Wizard of Tomorrow+ 1Red-Eyes Black Meteor Dragon+ 1Metalflame Swordsman+ 1Metal Illusionist+ 1Nutrient Z+ 1Meteor Black Comet Dragon+ 1Escapegoat+ 1Fighting Flame Sword+ 1Fighting Flame Dragon+ 1Gilford the Lightning+ 1Roulette Spider+ 1Salamandra, the Flying Flame Dragon+ 1Thousand Dragon+ 1Red-Eyes Spirit+ 1Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon+ 1Flame Swordsman+ 1Archfiend Black Skull Dragon+ 1Gilti-Gearfried the Magical Steel Knight+ 1Giltia the D. Knight+ 1Red-Eyes Retro Dragon+ 1Red-Eyes Fang with Chain+ 1Red-Eyes Baby Dragon+ 1Salamandra with Chain+ 1Time Wizard+ 1Flame Swordsrealm+ 1Graceful Dice+ 1Red-Eyes Black Dragon+ 1Trap Hole of Spikes+ 1Dragon Nails+ 1Giltia the D. Knight - Soul Spear+ 1Jinzo+ 1Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal Dragon+ 1Comrade Swordsman of Landstar+ 1Monster Reborn+ 1Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight+ 1Max Metalmorph+ 1Hundred Dragon+ 1Flame Coating Metalmorph+ 1Red-Eyes Insight+ 1Black Metal Dragon+ 1Ferocious Flame Swordsman
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