End board is Savage equipped with Saryuja for 4 negates, Apollousa with 4 materials, Borrelsword, and Shogun Shien for control. So basically 8 negates + your opponent can only activate 1 s/t per turn. Very nice if you go second. I'd say you can get the 8 negate board about 60% of the time. You just need a way to special summon 2 Six Samurais + a counter generator like Temple or Dojo.
Link the 2 Six Samurais for Isolde
Use Isolde to search
Use Isolde 2nd eff to special summon one of the tuners
Link Isolde and tuner for Battle Shogun
Discard your Isolde search for Battle Shogun eff
Search Gateway.
At this point you should have 4 counters on your counter generator. Remove 4 to search Kizan.
Summon Kizan to link arrow pointed to be Battle Shogun to get 4 counters total on board
Remove 4 to search another Kizan
Summon Kizan to link arrow
Overlay for Shadow Shien to link arrow (You should have 8 counters after this)
Remove 4 to search Grandmaster
Summon Grandmaster to link arrow
Remove 4 to search Shinai (Make sure 2 of the counters are from Battle Shogun)
Link for Saryuja using Shadow Shien, Battle Shogun, and Grandmaster
Use Saryuja to summon Shinai (You should have 7 counters)
Remove 4 to search Mizuho
Summon Mizuho by its own eff (You should have 6 counters)
Remove 4 to search another Shinai
Summon Shinai by eff (You should have 5 counters)
Next use Mizuho eff using Shinai as cost to target itself and destroy it
Shinai eff to return the destroyed Mizuho back to hand
Summon Mizuho (You should have 8 counters)
Remove 4 counters to return Shinai from grave
Summon Shinai by eff (You should have 7 counters)
Repeat Mizuho's destruction effect to gain infinite counters or as much as you like. You get 2 counters each time you do it.
Once you get enough counters, summon 1 Kizan and 1 Grandmaster
Use Saryuja, Kizan, Grandmaster, Shinai, and Mizuho as 4 materials for Apollousa
Bring back Mizuho
Summon 2 Kizans overlay into Dugares
Special summon tuner from graveyard.
Use the level 1 tuner + Shinai + Kizan for level 8
Or Level 2 Tuner + Shinai + Mizuho for level 8
Summon Borreload Savage Dragon
Target Saryuja to equip to Savage Dragon.
IF your initial token generator was Dojo, you can remove it to special summon Great Shogun Shien from the deck
Now you have your board. There are more plays you can do. This deck is real fun!