Mission number one is to summon Vice-Madame and keep her on the board at all cost...She is your bread and butter.
(How to summon Vice-Madame your turn one... Blazing Cartesia - Quick Effect, Witchcrafter Confusion Confession from hand or summon Schmietta use her Quick Effect to summon Genni and send Genni to the GY by link summoning her away with Artemis - From there you use Schmietta GY effect to send Confusion Confession from the deck to the GY and use Genni GY effect to copy the effect of Confusion Confession - You can use Artemis plus any witchcrafter monster to summon Vice-Madame - Creation and Reasoning will help you get other witchcrafters to go with Artemis if you don't already have targets in hand or on the board - If you have enough spells in your hands you may also go into Haine - Verre or Aruru using Genni Quick Effect rather then using Artemis to link Genni to the GY - From there you do as listed above with the GY effects to summon Vice-Madame, Branded In High Spirits - As the card says you will use a target in hand and Dusk Dragon - sending them to the GY and deck search Blazing Cartesia - from there you will use Blazing's Quick Effect to Fusion summon Vice-Madame)
Tips : Try and leave Blazing Cartesia on the field if possible as she is your Tuner to go into your Synchro's. You will get the 2ed material often with Vice-Madame's special summon effect for a lower level witchcrafter you will will just summon the level you need to with Cartesia's level 4. If you can wait and use your spell cards after you summon Vice-Madame so you can triger Vice's effects as she will triger off of spell cards you can also use your GY spellcaster effects or just on feild spellcaster effects to do the same thing.
From there you just try and build a board that you think will stop your opponent and what you can't stop keep it from hurting you so in your 2ed turn you can hopefully take the victory with a well time negates, pops and protections.
I'm still vary much still playing with this deck in terms of a few cards and learning new things about the deck. Witchcrafters is not really a super strong deck and even from a casual stand point the core deck feels vary weak in terms of where YuGiOh is today. My goal was make the deck feel a bit stronger and playable on a modest budget. I find the deck to be a vary fun deck to pilot and I encourage anyone thinking of playing or playing Witchcrafters to play around with this deck and make changes as need be. I think this is a great baseline if nothing else to build off of.