A new card from Ultimate Sparkle can search a wide variety of monsters for one big drawback - it locks you into XYZ monsters from the Extra Deck for the rest of the turn. Which deck is incredibly powerful but held back by a consistency issue? None other than Kashtira! While not directly searching for a Kashtira monster, activating Seventh Tachyon by revealing Giant Hand in the Extra deck will search you Planet Pathfinder! Pathfinder will get you Wraitsoth which is full combo! Also, by revealing Battlin' Boxer Star Cestus, you can directly search for Kashtira Riseheart! Kashtira remains as powerful as ever with its "instant win button" Arise-Heart, but the difference is that it is much more consistent with Seventh Tachyon!
Want to see the deck in action? Scroll to the very bottom for the Youtube video!
GLHF Duelists!