Timelord semi-stall deck utilizing Mystic Mine, which is important because you generally don't have as much monsters as your opponent because of the fact that Timelords are Normal Summon monsters. The Xyz monsters are there for:
Gustav Max - Enables OTK given the chance that you have 2 Timelords (Specifically, Michion and Sandaion)
Number **: Utopic Dark Infinity - A way to gain LP (if that's relevant), but mostly used as a monster that has immense ATK/DEF with easy-to-fill requirements (2+ Level 10 Monsters) for a Timelord-oriented Deck.
Timelords' Individual Gameplan
Inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card returned.
This means that Metaion is handy whenever you want to bounce off the enemy monster field to the hand and inflict decent amount of damage, especially if the field is filled with many monsters.
Shuffle all cards from the opponent's Graveyard into the Deck. Also, once per turn, inflict 1000 damage to the opponent when they draw a card.
Lazion is very good against effects or playstyles that interacts with the Graveyard, and also punishes draw-reliant playstyles (?) by inflicting 1000 damage, and up to 2000 before Lazion is returned to the Deck.
Shuffle all Spells and Traps the opponent controls into the Deck. Also, the player can draw 1 card if it is sent from the field to the Graveyard.
Zaphion is decent against decks that rely on Continuous Trap/Spell Cards and also keeps the Spell/Trap zones clean from activating those cards.
Make the player's LP become 4000, if it is less than 4000.
While this at first seems not to be useful, Sadion can help to at least keep yourself safe from some Direct Attacks when your hand is somehow bricked.
Shuffle 1 card the opponent controls into the Deck, and inflicts 500 damage to the opponent. Neither player can respond to this activation.
Kamion's return effect may not be too useful at first glance, but the fact that it is unreactable and apparently doesn't target makes it powerful to get around effects that prevents cards from getting targeted, and you get to deal some decent chip damage.
Halve the opponent's LP.
This very simple effect allows Timelord Decks to effectively OTK the opponent if they have another copy of Michion, Sandaion (2000 damage) or Raphion (Inflict Damage equal to 1 Monster's ATK), then proceed to Xyz Summon Gustav Max to shave off the rest of your opponent's LP. Ideally, it's the first Timelord to get into hand.
Inflict damage to the opponent equal to the difference between the player's LP and theirs, if the player's LP is lower.
While this card don't get much use given the playstyle of Timelords ensuring that you have more LP most of the time, this card has some very good combo with Clashing Souls, where you can create a win-win scenario after paying a heavy amount of LP, and then inflicting the difference of both players' LP.
Inflict damage to the opponent equal to the ATK of 1 monster this card battled.
This is basically an identical effect to a monster like Yubel, except that you don't need to force the enemy to attack you to deal massive damage. This card is especially great against boss monsters, as most of them have >3000 ATK, Raphion basically punishes the opponent for playing beatstick monsters.
Shuffle all cards the opponent controls into the Deck, then the opponent draws a card for each card shuffled into the Main Deck.
This is basically a board wipe, while the fact that the opponent draws can be a huge setback for this card, it is extremely potent against Extra Deck-reliant playstyles like Synchrons.
Neither player takes battle damage from attacks involving this card. At the end of the Battle Phase, if this card battled: Inflict 2000 damage to your opponent.
Sandaion is an amazing monster since it has 4000 ATK and DEF with a summon condition as easy as Cyber Dragon, this card is notably the only Timelord out of the main 10 ones to have more than 0 ATK and DEF. In which it can be even more dangerous if someone runs Skill Drain or effect negations
Since you won't be getting 10 Timelord monsters to the GY most of the time, the only reliable way to summon this card is to use Infinite Light's effect. Sephylon, the Ultimate Timelord is all in all, a boss monster that just appears to bring in some Timelords with negated effect but 4000 ATK, which can enable an OTK.
Direct Attacks and Effect-negating cards such as Skill Drain will leave you a sitting duck