2024-04-20 22:58:02
+ 1A Legendary Ocean+ 1Subterror Behemoth Phospheroglacier+ 2Guoglim, Spear of the Ghoti+ 1The Tripper Mercury+ 1Mermaid Archer+ 1The Dragon Dwelling in the Deep+ 1Yamatako Orochi+ 1Mobius the Frost Monarch+ 1White Aura Whale+ 1Dream Shark+ 1Glacial Beast Iceberg Narwhal+ 1Beautunaful Princess+ 1Atlantean Attack Squad+ 1Adamancipator Risen - Dragite+ 1Treeborn Frog+ 1Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord+ 1Guardian Slime+ 1Hammer Shark+ 1Deep Diver+ 1Sea Stealth Attack+ 1Umi+ 1Fish Sonar+ 1Escher the Frost Vassal+ 1Icejade Tinola+ 1Aquarium Stage+ 1Graydle Eagle+ 1Reese the Ice Mistress+ 1Silent Sea Nettle+ 1Cyber Shark+ 1Surface+ 1Fish Lamp+ 1Spined Gillman+ 1Askaan, the Bicorned Ghoti+ 1White Aura Porpoise+ 1Tainted of the Tistina+ 1Icejade Tremora+ 1Fishborg Harpooner+ 1Sea Stealth II+ 1Fish Depth Charge+ 1White Aura Monoceros+ 1Aquarium Set+ 1Arionpos, Serpent of the Ghoti+ 1Divine Dragon Aquabizarre+ 1Doom Kraken+ 1Sharkraken+ 1Ghoti of the Deep Beyond+ 1Rage of the Deep Sea+ 1White Aura Dolphin+ 2Deep Sea Diva+ 1Airorca+ 1Icejade Gymir Aegirine+ 1Ravenous Crocodragon Archethys+ 1Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth+ 1Snowman Eater+ 1Penguin Brave+ 1Graydle Cobra+ 1Electric Jellyfish
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