Deck notes below:
Video here
* Goal is to build a both going first and second powerhouse. This is
something you ll pretty much see with my every showcase, This is why
multi purpose cards like Set rotation, terraforming are Nutz.
- Just focusing on one doesn't do dino cards justice
* Foolish burial and One for one, effectively "replace misc"
the best they can (If misc goes back to 3, I am cutting each ofc)
* True King engine is underrated, it allows you to play if MISC, gets stopped
One for one can act similarly,
* Sadly there was no space for Laggia, R4 removal (Castel or Exciton), Utopia package,
Baroness, etc.
* Scrap fridge (whatever is called), does increase the wombo combo ability
but at the cost of consistency, and Dinos want the consistency more, also in the
games where i wanted higher output "Artifact combo", putting in Overtex
is my preference over the fridge, truly it just
efficiently covers st negate.
Allowing you to use resources on other stuff rather then (Savage, dragster)
* This video fixes the issue of efficiently
recycling Misc, and shows
that Dino can be built to handle dark ruler no more. Which are the main
concerns I heard dino players have, other then Misc staying lonely forever.