This is my Scareclaw deck guide ,( and also my first guide ).I've been playing scarclaw in various forms for about 5 months . This guide is all the collective wisdom I've earned during those months .
Let's start with your basic scareclaw combo .
Any scareclaw monster -
Normal summon monster -summon out Light-Heart ,search for primitive planet - activate it and add scareclaw Reichheart- special summon him,search scareclaw arrival - use arrival on scareclaw in grave - summon Scareclaw Tri-Heart - use Tri-Heart to summon back scareclaw ,then search either another little scareclaw(LV3s), scareclaw kashtira ,or another Reichhart .if you got a little scareclaw or scareclaw kastira you can either summon them out or keep em for later .
Any scareclaw monster(little)+ Reicheart -
Normal summon little scareclaw-special summon Reicheart search arrival-summon out Light-Heart with little scareclaw , search Primitive planet-activate it,search Visas starfrost- Activate Visas to destroy Light-Heart and summon him out at the edge of the board -Summon back Light-Heart with his effect . With Visas and Reicheart summon out Either Baronne de fluer or chaos angel depending on the situation or whether your playing Tcg or master duel- banish Reicheart and Visas in the graveyard to summon Astraloud,pop an opponents card if they have one - use arrival to summon back little scareclaw - use little scareclaw ,Light-Heart ,and Astraloud to summon Tri-heart - Use tri heart to summon back little scareclaw ,then search any scareclaw you might need .
With this combo you can get 1 banish if you summon Chaos angel or 1 destroy and card negate with Baronne, and 2 extra pops with Primitive planet Reichphobia and Astraloud , also a powerful attacker.
Your combo doesn't really change that much beyond this , your usual endboard is Scareclaw Tri-Heart and the occasional other monster(s),(such as Baronne de fluer).
Scareclaw is extremely good at breaking boards or just plain ignoring them if you still have Scareclaw Tri-Heart out after your opponents turn(hence Scareclaw Belone).
I have found scareclaw does fine going First or second , your goal going first is obviously a strong enough board to survive until your next turn to finish them off , Cards that help with this are SCARECLAW DEFANGING,SCARECLAW TWINSAW and a scareclaw in hand for next turn .
Twinsaw Is a must for this deck , it gives it decent interruption, and if Tri-Heart is out , makes all link monsters esetially useless , link monsters being Tri-Hearts biggest weakness , this card helps out a a ton .
Defanging is also quite helpful in this deck making your Tri-Heart even harder to remove , extra removal , and banishes any monster Tri-Heart destroys (which is most).This card is often best going second ,making your link Scareclaws untargetable (I'm lookin at you imperm,effect veiler, and associates ), and obviously you can't use its pop effect if your going first .
If at your starting hand you already have a Scarwclaw Arrival, always search one of these with Reicheart.
Now let's talk about the Kashtiras
Kashtira Fenrir ,well we all know this card ,its a free summon, it's a potential removal/interuption ,searches Scareclaw Kashtira(in this deck in particular),and is bait for hand traps and such ,it's also a decently powerfully body at 2400 atk.
Scareclaw Kashtira is amazing ,you can search it via Primitive planet ,Pressured planet, Kashtira Fenrir and Tri-Heart. It can be summoned quite easily later in your combo,I usually banish Reicheart with its effect because it's not very useful in the grave unless you've got Visas out for Astraloud . It's effect negation when my Scareclaw monsters are attacked or attacking comes handy (and sometimes quite funny)every so often ,such as when a monster like Accesscode talker with its attack boosted higher than Tr-Hearts ,attacks ,only to have its effect negated and destroys itself .it's also been usefull against Yubel monsters (that is if they don't have nightmare pain out).making them not indestructible by battle .
Scareclaw Kashtira is usually the go to card to search with Tri-Heart when my opponents board is open and I've only got the one Scareclaw Astra .Astra gives Tri-Heart 2 attacks(6000)and Scareclaw Kashtira can attack while in defense mode(2600) ,meaning I can go for game(this comes up scarily often).
Now for the Bystials .
I use the bystials in this deck for multiple reasons bodies which can help in making Tri-Heart,and my generic Links
2.they banish light and dark attribute monsters from either graveyard. They would probably be much for effective in the Tcg than Master duel thanks to Ryzeal and Fiendsmith running amock(the banishing may not be too usefull against Ryzeal but it's still an easy summon).
3.They are mostly level sixes ,meaning I can use them and Reicheart to make Chaos Angel.if you use Druiswurm to make Chaos angel you can use Druiswurms effect to remove a special summoned card your opponent controls and Chaos angel banishes a card.
There are obviously a couple more reasons but they're the big ones .
It's time to LINK into the VRAINS
this decks other extra deck slots are best used for generic Links like the knightmare monsters .
The Knightmares are easy to summon using on 2 monsters, have some removal and have a neat protectionwhen co-linked(to your Tri-Heart preferably).
Accesscode talker I haven't used more than once but nice to have up my sleeve ,him and Tri-Heart together make an oppressive attack force.
S-P is your go-to generic Link. It's an obvious choice .
I-P Masquerella provides extra protection for your Tri-Heart(or Accesscode if you want)if you have extra material.I haven't tried it before but I suppose you could use her to make Apollousa during your opponents turn .
Apollousa I've used a bit more than Accesscode talker . She's a 4 time monster negate ,and some kind of Hot animal woman what more could ya want .
Now for some small advice
When summoning out any monster that isn't a scareclaw ,always put them at the edge of the board as to not potentially block your scarelaws adjacent spaces .
Belone is a lot better than most pit him out to be , he's been responsible for winning more games than Acro ever has or will. Sometimes getting Belone out on the board is all you'll need to need to finish of your opponent.
When ending your Scareclaw combo going first, try getting Acro out for some extra beef for Tri-Heart,what use will the others be on your opponents turn huh ?
Don't be afraid to make your deck big ,Scareclaw have 12 one card starters no matter how big your deck is , it's quite likely you'll get at least one of em.
That should be all , if you have any questions ,fire away . Oh yeah. the extra deck cards are optional and/or are other copies of the cards that are limited in Master duel. Hope yall found this guide somewhat helpful in your quest for the Elden ring,(the Elden ring can be any metaphor you want it to be IDK my brother plays TOO MUCH Elden RinG. There's too much Elden ring in Elden ring if you ask me. The same cannot be said for Animal well ,I want more of it.