Changes 16.09.23
1x Pressured Planet
1x Instant Fusion
1x Millenium Eyes
So my first experience with scareclaw......
the deck is really fun to play. I didn't overperform (it was actually 2 wins and 2 losses) but considering that this was the first time I played the deck it wasn't too bad.
Lets talk about the elefant in the room here... this deck gets absolutely obliterated by droll. During my first match in the all deciding game 3 I got drolled TWICE. This card just outright stops you from playing since all of your combo pieces search from deck. I could have easily won the game if this card wouldn't run around.
I saw that in some builts people play "Instant Fusion" with "Millenium Eyes" as a target and a second copy of "Called By".
However, considering how many people actually played droll, I will highly consider dropping the "Adventure Engine" and playing three "Crossouts" instead. This is a really hard decision because the "Adventure Engine" complements the deck really well and is a lot of fun. But not being able to do anything at all during my turn is not an option for me.
The deck also lacked some needed targeting protection. Soooo I added one copy of "Scareclaw Defanging" to the built.
Buuuut lets talk about the good stuff :)
1) Tri Hearth is reaaaaallly good, even though he might seem a bit underwealming.
2) Scareclaw twinsaw just outright endet the turn for an opponent playing salamangreat and is a great removal. (Even better if backed up by inperms, books and handtraps!)
3) It is really consistent.
4) Great for an easy OTK
Regarding the depends.
My most "insane" enboard consised of a "Baronne" + "Griphin Rider" + "Tri Hearth" + "Book of Moon" and "Imperm" + "Twinsaw"
You of cause can absolutely end on a board with Baronne+Griphon Rider+3 negate Appo backed up by handtraps.
But even the "smaller" endboards with only "Tri Hearth" + "Twinsaw" + "Imperm" or "Book of Moon" backed up by handtraps can be really opressive.
The decks needs some changes....definetly. But with some cooking this deck can be improved and bring in a lot more wins (and not loose to droll xD).
I will continue to test this deck out and will update it from time to time as my experience with the deck grows.