S-Force Gravitino ; Great on-field effect and searches any S-Force card.
S-Force Pla-tina ; Pla-tina summoning a banished Gravitino is your main turn 1 combo.
S-Force Edge Razor ; Situationally useful field effect (Tri-Brigade Revolt...). Also helps with less than ideal opening hands where you have too many higher level S-Forces in hand. This is your main good way of getting enough materials for Justify... but is unfortunately Cyberse so Justify's unavailable with this under TCBOO.
S-Force Orrafist ; An extra piece of interaction that might be useful. Usually for if/when Chiyomaru resolves on my opponent's turn. Same Cyberse problem as above.
S-Force Dog Tag ; Helps set up another aligning column. Mainly a Gravitino target for when you already have Chase in hand.
S-Force Chase ; Your main piece of interaction. This is usually what you search with Gravitino.
Nemeses Flag ; Extra material to help summon Justify when you need it - or Eschatos. Return effect is also very useful for more drawn out games (acts a third Platina)
Archnemeses Eschatos ; Your main followup play - board wipe + lockdown against some decks.
S-Force Justify ; Your other followup option. A monster negate and very good at cleaning boards.
Dimensional Fissure ; Gets monsters banished for Pla-tina and Flag. Possibly annoying your opponent is a nice bonus :)
There Can Be Only One ; Strong floodgate card. You can play under this pretty much unhindered since all your monsters are different types (except Orrafist/Razor/Justify T_T)
The Extra Deck ; General utility cards and accesscode/topologics for finishers. If TCBOO is on the field and you need to summon a card that's already on the field - Knightmare Phoenix and Geonator Transverser could be good options that solve other problems too. Other than that - there's Dogmatika Maximus hate, Cyber Dragon hate and Waking the Dragon targets for when your opponent is too eager to destroy your backrow.
The Strategy.
You want to go first. The ideal opening hand has Chiyomaru and Gravitino. Summon Chiyomaru -> Banish Gravitino -> Summon Platina -> Revive Gravitino -> Search Chase.
If you Chiyomaru, Gravitino and Platina in hand: You can summon Edge Razor from Chiyomaru to summon Platina from hand instead. This gives you one more monster, one more Chase bounce, one more field column effect.
If you have the above combos and a Chase already in hand, you usually search Bridgehead or Dog Tag depending on whether or not Bridgehead is already activated. Dog Tag gives an extra column aligner/body for Chase bounce. Bridgehead could search Dog Tag or be used next turn if already activated this turn for followup.
When everything goes wrong and Chiyomaru gets negated: Try to use Chiyomaru on your opponent's turn to either align Gravitino with an important monster to break their combo or summon Orrafist to maybe destroy 1 monster.
If you manage to survive your opponent's turn: Justify or Eschatos might swing the game back in your favour. Justify requiring exactly 3 materials can be difficult - usually a mix of Edge Razor, Platina, Flag are needed. Eschatos is much easier to summon (between your handtraps and your destroyed monsters you should have enough different types) but you need to draw into either it or Flag.
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