Ryzeal Beast combines Ritual Beast’s tag-out mechanics, Rank 4 accessibility, and Thunder Dragon Colossus synergy, all while maintaining engine flexibility and consistency. This build incorporates multiple engines that work together seamlessly, enhancing board control, disruption, and follow-up power.
Deck Structure & Engine Balance
This deck is designed to function at 45 cards, which might seem higher than a standard build but is intentional due to the multiple coinciding engines. Rather than diluting consistency, this higher count ensures the necessary cards are available without conflicts, similar to how larger deck counts are structured to support multiple engines without reducing effectiveness.
- Each engine plays a crucial role, meaning the deck requires more total cards to maintain its flow.
- A higher count does not mean lower consistency—instead, it ensures that each piece is accessible without overloading certain draws or bricking with redundant cards.
- The deck remains balanced and efficient, providing consistent hands while maximizing its synergies.
Key Synergies & Card Choices
Rank 4 Accessibility & Extra Deck Flexibility
The deck naturally plays multiple Level 4 monsters, making Rank 4 Xyz plays an effortless part of its strategy.
- Canna, Pengu, Apelio, and Winda already provide Level 4 Ritual Beast synergy.
- Ryzeal’s Level 4 bodies fit naturally into the deck’s structure without conflicting with Ritual Beast plays.
- Bonfire searches either a Ryzeal name or Flag, ensuring the Nemeses engine can be accessed consistently.
This enables access to powerful Rank 4 utility options, such as:
- Abyss Dweller (graveyard disruption)
- Tornado Dragon (backrow removal)
- Other Rank 4 monsters depending on matchup needs
Since Corridor is also Level 4, it serves dual functions, allowing for both overlay plays and Nemeses engine extension.
Pyro & Thunder Typing – Improved Engine Functionality
The Pyro and Thunder typings play a key role in enhancing the deck’s flow:
- Pyro typing reduces reliance on Banshee since Bonfire can search Flag directly, improving Nemeses engine consistency.
- Thunder typing increases Colossus synergy, allowing spent Duo Drive to be tributed for Colossus while keeping Corridor as overlay material for further plays.
- These typings streamline play sequences, ensuring stronger follow-ups and flexible setups without disrupting the Ritual Beast engine.
Duo Drive & Colossus Integration
- Duo Drive can be tributed for Colossus, making the Thunder Dragon engine a natural fit within the deck’s disruption strategy.
- Corridor’s Level 4 status allows it to act as Rank 4 overlay material or contribute to the Nemeses engine’s extension.
- These interactions provide multiple layers of disruption without conflicting with Ritual Beast’s natural playstyle.
Lara for Normal Summon Extension
- Lara should be used for an initial Normal Summon before committing the actual Normal Summon, ensuring Ice’s effect remains accessible.
- In Pure Ritual Beast, Lara is typically used as Gaiapelio fodder, but in this hybrid, it extends into Rank 4 plays and additional disruptions.
End-Board Potential
With the added synergy between Ritual Beasts, Nemeses, and Colossus, the deck’s strongest end board consists of:
- Reirautari, Kimun, or Ulti-Canna with Ritual Beast bodies
- Thunder Dragon Colossus (via Duo Drive tribute)
- Detonator
- Cross in the Field Zone
- Steeds set for disruption
- Additional Rank 4s (Dweller, Tornado Dragon, or another Xyz monster depending on the matchup)
This setup ensures:
- Search denial (Colossus)
- On-field disruption (Steeds, Detonator, Cross in Field Zone)
- Strong recursion for follow-up plays
The Ritual Beast + Ryzeal hybrid is a well-balanced deck that efficiently integrates multiple engines without sacrificing consistency or playability. Key takeaways include:
- The 45-card count is intentional—it allows each engine to function optimally without clashing.
- Less reliance on Banshee thanks to Bonfire’s ability to search Flag directly.
- Stronger Rank 4 synergy, making use of existing Level 4 Ritual Beast and Ryzeal monsters.
- Increased Colossus consistency, ensuring Duo Drive and Corridor interactions remain accessible.
By maintaining flexibility, disruption, and strong follow-up potential, this build ensures that each game plan remains intact, making it a versatile and adaptable strategy across different matchups.