Hi, Grayewick the Fusionist here, back with one of the decks that I've been considering in preparation for the Synchro Festival, alongside Blackwings and Synchrons, and one that I actually personally like despite being a Synchro deck, presenting Resonators. As per usual, the side deck will be filled with cards that you might want to consider but are not necessarily mandatory for the build.
Okay so, I wanna preface this "guide" with, of all the Yu-Gi-Oh! deuteragonists (aka the "Seto Kaiba" of each series) out there, Jack Atlas is probably one of my favorites, only bested by Reiji Akaba of Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V and followed by Ryoken Kogami of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS, and Red Nova Dragon is my favorite Synchro Monster of all time just in terms of the art work. Okay, enough fanboying, let's actually proceed to the list.
The Main Deck:
• x3 Ascator, Dawnwalker & x2 Fire Ant Ascator - This is just a free generic Level 8 Synchro enabler without spending your Normal Summon, much like how Supay, Duskwalker is for the Level 6 Synchros which is another way to access Red Rising Dragon, but we already have something for that and I'm not really a fan of overlaps. I have seen some lists that runs x2 Fire Ant Ascator instead, just to make the other copy of Ascator, Dawnwalker live but that's only because they also run Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon, in case they mill it off of its effect, which I personally don't think is the best way to approach this.
• x3 Resonator Command - This one I rarely see on some Resonator lists. It's not mandatory, but more of an additional consistency piece. You could play your blow out staples here if you want, like Lightning Storm or Twin Twisters to help you go second, Kaijus, or even Infinite Impermanence. I just chose it because I hate being Ashed.
• x2 Red Reign - If only this card was searchable, oh boy. This card is really great against decks that swarm a lot. It's non-targeting, non-destruction removal, it also provides protection, it recycles itself, it's so good in tandem with your main boss monster Red Supernova Dragon.
• x2 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend, x1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend, x1 Red Dragon Archfiend - This slot could be for any DARK Dragon Synchro monsters you want/could use, or just any ratio of the said cards you wanna play. If I were to cut something it'd probably be either Hot Red Dragon Archfiend because it sucks for not treating itself as "Red Dragon Archfiend" or the original Red Dragon Archfiend because it could sometimes mess up your own cards if you're not mindful especially when going 1st, most likely the former.
• x1 Red Supernova Dragon - Your main boss monster, also your largest beat stick. You would usually end up with it having 6000 ATK. It has a good destruction effect protection, a non-targeting, non-destruction mass removal. It's your main response to activated removal or just monster effect in general. You'll rarely use its effect during the Battle Phase, but it's nice to have.
• x1 Red Nova Dragon - Your secondary boss monster, also your second largest beat stick. Also has a good enough destruction effect protection, and it's your main response to your opponent's beat sticks, in case they happen to be able to summon a monster with an ATK higher than 6000.
• x2 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane - One of your avenues to Synchro climbing, albeit requiring battling much like the next one. Regardless, it's a 3500 ATK beater, which is not a joke, especially when it can revive any of your "Red Dragon Archfiend" monsters, including King Calamity.
It definitely is consistent. You have a lot of 1-2 card combos in the deck that does not xeno lock you into anything that will hinder your game plan in any way, which means your choke points only vary based on your starting hand. If not for the presence of Maxx "C", I would definitely just swap it out for Ash Blossom & Joyous Springs and Crossout Designators instead to add a layer of protection. It has a simple and straightforward game plan and does not really need any sort of finesse or messing around with mind games unlike most meta decks that requires you to think steps ahead of your opposition. It knows what it does, and it does it very well. I'm actually convinced that this archetype's already complete. If you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to express them down in the comments and I'll respond to them as soon as I possibly can.
Edit:I've decided that in the final iteration of the list to actually go in on the Assault Mode package just because Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode's omni negation is just extremely valuable and I just cannot pass up the opportunity to have extra coverage.
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