I beated a lot of decks with this. I think this is flawless, but it could have some counters. Anyway, I made it that you try to control the field with Zombie Synchros and use them to win.
My Favorite Cards in Deck:
Doomking Balerdroch: King of Zombies/Makes the Decisions
The "zukis": One triggers and one revives.
Glow-Up Bloom: Helps Assemble the group
Everliving Underworld Cannon: Why not add a little spice to our show?
Field Barrier: Protecting the Realm of Zombies
Zombie World: The Key to Victory!
Shiranui Skillsaga Supremacy: Protects my Synchros from card effects
Shiranui Sunsaga: Can dominate a lot of the field (Make sure you have banished Synchros before doing this)
Tip: Save Sunsaga until the end. You need to have a good number of banished synchros to make his effect better. (You will enjoy it. Trust Me)
That's all. Enjoy the Deck :)
Edit: Deck has been remade.
Noticeable Changes:
- Majority of cards were removed such as the Shiranui Synchros (except Shogun)
- Many cards originally are not there; are replaced
- Quantity of certain cards changed (ex. 3 copies of Solitaire + Uni-Zombie)
- Some Extra Deck Monsters replaced
I hope this deck is much better than the first one. Thanks for viewing and enjoy :)