My final iteration of my Red Dragon Archfiend deck.
My personal favorite deck of all time. I've used Junk Stardust, Pend Magician / Z-ARC, Galaxy-Eyes, Elemental Heroes, Utopia, and Slime / God Card decks, and nothing so far tops this one in terms of fun for me. The combos are pretty simple and mostly revolve around getting Crimson Resonator out so you can get Supernova out on turn 1. Summon Crimson as the first monster so you can special summon it, and summon whatever Level 4 you have (preferably Wildwind so you still have a normal summon, but any of em work), go into Red Rising Dragon, use its effect, summon 2 more Resonators and go into Supernova. I'd recommend summoning Mirror Resonator and Creation Resonator so you can use Mirror Resonators effect in the future, or use it for plays with Chaos Ruler or Red Risings second effect. If Crimson gets negated, that's fine too, just go into Chaos Ruler and excavate the top 5 cards, and hopefully, that'll give you a counter play if you don't have a potential one in your hand already.
The main Extra Deck priorities are Red Rising, Chaos Ruler, Abyss, and Supernova. Red Rising is what allows most of the plays in the deck. Abyss is a once-per-turn Quick Effect negate and can summon more Resonators. Supernova can banish the opponents' entire field should they use a monster effect, and if they negate that, it still has a ton of ATK, getting 500 for each Resonator in the GY (which is a lot if you use combos correctly). Other cards, such as Samsara or Ancient Pixie, are there to fill space in case you don't get levels matching up to 6 or 8 with monsters you have in your hand (for example, if you only have Creation and Wildwind). Samsara is a good general defensive option, and Ancient Pixie has some very rare potential should you have Tilted Try up on the field. If you don't want to use Ancient Pixie, replace it with Exploder Dragonwing. Honestly, you could replace stuff like Galaxy Cyclone or Tilted Try with more meta cards, like Solemn Judgement / Called by the Grave / Forbidden Droplet, I just like using them because Skull Meister can function as a searchable but slightly weaker version of Called by the Grave, and I have a Royal Tilted Try (and it gives Ancient Pixie actual functionality), so I just like running it.
The main deck mostly consists of Resonators (Tuners) and 4* cards with search potential (WotBF, Wildwind, Stygian Street Patrol). Ascator is there in case you get a brick hand and only have him, so you can go into Chaos Ruler and potentially make a comeback. Ash Blossom and Maxx C are there just as basic hand traps. Red Reign is useful should you only have one Synchro on the field, or if you want to use it mid-turn before you start summoning other cards. Chain and Mirror are mostly there for low-level Resonator spam and for Chaos Ruler plays.
For an example of gameplay: