I took this deck from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEYpXoqTJ3U&ab_channel=RionoftheBurningAbyss however I have personalized to fit my playstyle. The strategy here is to xyz summon as much as possible and otk. The deck has a possibility of summoning 5 xyz in 1 turn. I've removed Ogopogo due to the fact that I find it slowing me down. I needed to switch it with handtraps.
Going first: If you have BEWD and Alt BEWD summon Alt BEWD then summon Seyfert (if you have it) discard blue-eyes with Seyfert eff and add Galactic Spiral Dragon, summon Galactic Spiral Dragon and then summon Coach and use his eff in order to draw (thrice per turn) cannot enter BP if Coach eff was used until EP. Try summoning your other xyz like (Heavenly Dragon, Photonlord and/or Sky Prison make sure to read their effs). Finally end the combo with using Nebula and 1 other lvl 8 Dragon monster by using it's eff and summon Number 97 and use it's eff to summon Hope Harbringer by attaching Tachyon to it. The reason to end the combo with 97 is because you cannot special summon any more monsters here. If you're opponent doesn't use spells summon Hearth instead or whatever xyz you need. It's best to refrain from summoning Dingirsu, Full Armor, Galaxy Cipher or Cipher Blade on you first turn as they will be useful resources on your next turn (Unless you got nothing else to summon).
Going second: Summon any of these (if you need) Dingirsu (Use his eff to send 1 card of your opponent to gy), Zeus (after BP use his eff *if* you need to get rid of cards) and/or Galaxy Cipher Dragon (read his eff) summon Full Armor or Cipher Blade on it (if you summon Full Armor use it's eff to pop 1 face-up card your opponent controls then summon Cipher Blade on top of it use it's eff to pop 1 card on the field. Finally if you see a chance to otk just attack with your big cards or summon Number 97 and summon Number 100 use it's eff and atk with it. Remember 97 eff doesn't allow you to special summon anymore monsters and you can only attack with the monster you summoned by Number 97's eff.
Depends on hand do whatever you have do this is just an example.
Update: New cards have been added and some changes.