This could very well be my last deck on here (don't quote me on that) since I'm done buying Yu-Gi-Oh aside from support cards that have positive applications in my current decks. Example: I will be buying the new Ice Barriers when they release because Gorgeous George makes Revealer a level 10 synchro summon; I will not be buying the new Trickstars because they have no negates, and no deck can stand without negates. That's why I combo'd them with Generaiders, who have negates, and so your opponent actually gets punished for all those cards you give them. It even lets us use otherwise unused Generaiders Naglfar, to protect Lycoris, and Frodi, so your opponent can decide to draw and burn or let their monsters die unavenged. The ideal is to get Holly Angel on the field to protect Lycoris before you commit her, which is why I've maxed on Corobane and Lilybell is at 2. You need that Crimson Heart. I was just barely able to make it and draw a second lvl 9 Generaider for Vala on my last game, which saved me. The other interactions are very well-known or covered in my other Generaider deck.
I wanted to post this here so it's available for people to toy with, but mostly so I don't have to keep digging for an old screenshot of it. Have fun, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.