So the banlist did god damn nothing, so i've decided to betray all my morals and buy 3 of the structure deck and use it as a base for Dino's. Here's Dino's that utilizes a Rescue Rabbit engine and other fairly unorthodox stuff. While this is still meta, it does have a few things to note that sets it apart from other Dino decks. Credit to Rondasrich for his Dino builds, they were a great help in building this. Might make Invoked Dinos in the future, who knows.
Deck guide
2x Tyranno- The main boss monster, Tyranno is great and aggresive. He can easily clear out entire boards, deal huge damage, and deal a little extra burn damage from the face down effect alongside that. This makes Tyranno an amazing boss monster that's hard to interrupt due to Misc and Lost World. You can also easily get it out due to how many Dino's will be in the grave, and how Double Evo can get it out easily, since it negates its summoning conditions.
1x Pankratops- Pankratops is a great choice as it's more dinosaur fodder that can easily special summon itself and gives you a free pop to remove problem cards or draw out negates. You can also just altogether not use Pankratop's pop and use it as fodder for Tyranno or something like that.
1x Petiteradon- Petiteradon allows you to get out Oviraptor, Pankratops, and Megalo easily. It can easily be popped by Oviraptor, making it easy to get into more monsters to extend your plays. Fun fact: It has the egg on top of it's head because it summons high leveled monsters.
3x Oviraptor- Oviraptor is a huge playmaker for the deck, and for a good reason. On any sort of summon, it searches a majority of the deck, filling in the gaps of your hand and providing more monsters for your plays. And Oviraptor is able to pop another dino to special a dino from the grave, which is just pure advantage as long as you pop Pepiteradon or Babyceraarus.
3x Misc- Have you read it? Jokes aside, Misc gives full protection to all your dinosaurs from opponent's effects, making them immune. This is even better because this is a discard cost to activate it, making it a quick effect, and it's graveyard set up. And in the grave, Misc banishes itself and other Dino's to special a Dino from deck who's level adds up to the number of Dino's banished from grave. Misc should've been banned but Konami is stupid.
3x Babycerasauras- Babycerausarus (god i always struggle to spell it's name) is great for is pop effect. On destruction, it specials a level 4 or lower Dino from deck. this is a great effect, as it's easy to prop by Oviraptor and is very helpful to extend your plays. Fun fact: Baby's shell is on it's bottom because it only summons level 4 or lower monsters.
3x Archosaur- Archosaur serves to be that one card in the deck to be super expensive for no reason and ruin the idea of it possibly being a good budget option. Archosaur, on summon, pops another dino on field or in hand (so it can prop the babies or it can even pop cards in the hand for more graveyard setup) to fetch a Double Evo Pill. Double Evo Pill is great as it allows you to easily get into Tyranno.
3x Rescue Rabbit- Rescue Rabbit is another one of the deck's playmakers. It serves to summon two Megalosmasher's from deck, which is great for starting or extending plays and shitting out more Dino's. Also the non-Dino for Double Evo, alongside Ash.
Megalosmasher X- Mainly just exists to be summoned off of Rabbit, so it's a complete garnet in hand, which is a pain. The best it can do is be popped by Archosaur or be banished away for Tyranno or Double Evo. It was only chosen because it's a vanilla dino with the highest attack.
1x Light barrier- An idea i borrowed from Ronda, Light Barrier serves to be a big floodgate. Since our boss monster is a Light, this can easily cripple the opponent's plays as long as we drop it around the end of our plays. Light's aren't super common rn either, so that's nice.
3x Ash Blossom- Ash Blossom serves to interrupt and destroy plays from the opponent, as it can easily stop searches (which decks rely on), and well timed, it can stop entire plays and combos. Just don't drop it on the first thing you see. And no, Jobe, it's not getting limited.
3x Lost World- Lost world serves multiple purposes. Since it summons a token to your opponent's field, while yes, it is fodder for the opponent, it does give you an extra layer of protection alongside Misc, making it insanely hard to out your high attack dino's. Aditionally, Lost World nerfs the attack of non-dino's, making it much easier to beat over your opponent's monsters (unless you're in a mirror match).
3x Fossil Dig- Fossil Dig is the deck's Rota, but unlimited, as it searches nearly all of the deck and gives you everything you need. It also doesn't have a once per turn, meaning you can **** out fossil digs whenever you want. I'm also pretty sure the paper airplane guys are on the art.
2x Double Evo- Double Evo is the main way to turbo into Tyranno, as it banishes the Dino's you've shat out into the grave to get out a Tyranno easily and ignores it's summoning conditions, making it easier to get.
1x Terraforming- Terraforming easily searches out Lost World, as Lost World is a fantastic card.
1x One for One- One for One gives you graveyard setup and gets you out Archosaur, easily.
1x Foolish Burial- Foolish also gives you more Graveyard setup for other cards like Tyranno and Misc.
1x Monster Reborn- Monster Reborn can easily bring back your Tyranno or something of the sort if it's popped.
3x Extravagance- The deck's main draw power, Extrav banishes your useless extra deck and gives you extra draws.
I'm not going to go through the extra deck. It's all banish fodder with fringe uses sometimes.
Playing guide
The main goal is to turbo out Conductor and shat out your Dino's on the way. At the start of the turn, the priority is to activate Lost World or search and activate it, and activate Misc (or search and activate it), to ensure you have protection for your plays. Afterwards, you'll want to do the usual ****. Summon out Oviraptor to pop the baby's and get out all the monsters you need, get out your Archosaur and use it's eff to pop Oviraptor and search Double Evo, use Double Evo and go into Conductor and drop the Barrier around the end. Once you have Conductor on the field, you're good to go to OTK. Along the way, you can also SS Pankratops for the pop and use the Rabbit strat, to get out the Megalo's for more fodder for other Dino's and such.
Any suggestions and such is appreciated. Thank you, have a nice day!