So this is a fun deck when I'm experimenting stuff for Maximum, and I really love it.
Deck details
We have 8 normal Pyro monsters, mainly for Gockboot and Masked Gockboot's effects. By sending a card from the top of your deck, Gockboot grants all Pyro you control 100 ATK per each Normal Monster in GY. Masked Gockboot can send a Normal Pyro to the GY, then deal 1000 damage to your opponent and draw 1 card! Gockboot allows you to easily clap most monsters in the current format (You might need more for Blue-Eyes, though), and Masked Gockboot allows you to burn your opponent, while also maintaining the card advantage.
We also have a spell, Art of Masked Fiery Noodle Red Hot, for our Pyros. It boosts a Pyro by 300 ATK and let it pierces this turn. This is HUGE, because it brings your Gockboots to at least 2500 ATK, and piercing is another great way to chip your opponent's LP.
-Fiend Package
This is an engine that I use, mostly focus on King's Dignity. It's a powerful trap that negates an attack, just by shuffling a Normal Level 1 Fiend monster from your GY to your Deck. Its really useful to protect your Pyro bosses from attacks, recycling a fodder, or just as simple as block a direct attack. Groupie and Goat are also Normies, so they help Gockboot too!
-Generic cards
Hammer Crush: S/T remover
Spirit Shackles: Reduce ATK, protect your boss or minimize the damage
Trap Hole: This card is great, no cap.
This is our plan B, if our Pyros don't end your opponent yet. Over Road is an OTK machine, that if you use it at the right time, you could finish your opponent's hopes and dreams in just 1 attack!
[L]'s effect is the main effect that can boost this card to absurd ATK value. If you use this when your LP are very low, this card can be devastating!
[R]'s effect is the support effect. It boosts Over Road by the Level of an opponent's monster x 200. Good effect for the OTK!
As for now, Maximums can't be destroyed by traps, so don't worry about Dark Liberation or Offensive Counterstrike. Milk your opponent's resources with Pyros, then perform your winning move with Over Road!
In game 1, it may be best to defend using Spirit Shackles and King's Dignity. Most Spellcasters don't have high ATK values to threaten you, so you can simply avoid attacking till you draw your Over Road. It might be hard to bait Dark Lib out, because your Pyro bosses have 0 DEF, but you can try to snipe with Hammer Crush, or just wait till Over Road.
Side deck options: Whispering Fairy (shuffle Spellcasters in opponent's GY), Defensive Dragon Mage (protect your monster from Dark Lib by sending a Spellcaster. In this case it will be Whispering Fairy or another copy of itself), Simoom of the Genie + Groupie (6 Fiends should help you trigger Genie to bounce stuff easier)
This is a hard matchup, because most Pyros' base ATK is too low against Dragon bosses (they usually have at least 2k4). Shocklead is also another out to our boss monster, so our best bet is, of course, Maximum. Try to use your Gockboots to destroy as many Dragon bosses as possible, though, because just setting alone won't be enough against Dragears. You most likely will have low LP after the assault, so your Over Road will guarantee an OTK.
Not too much to side (in our deck) against Dragons, so you can only depend on your Main Deck
Maximum Cyberse:
This is the newest deck, by the time I'm writing this. Its goal is to turbo out their Maximum Boss, Ygg the Heavenly Dragon Emperor Tree, asap by using -tron monsters. -tron monsters are those that let you dig through your deck quicker for Maximum pieces. Although, they all require Femtron in the GY, and they need no other monsters on their field to trigger their -tron effects.
You only need to avoid attacking Femtron, and always try to leave a monster on your opponent's field to block their effects (Picock Hightron can bypass this, but at that point you should have more resources). If they manage to assemble Ygg though, then its kinda hard to out. Not many things can out a 4k beast, that has Torna-like effect and a free pop each turn, but Over Road can counter Ygg fairly well. King's Dignity is your lifesaver, as it blocks Ygg from attacking, giving you more chances to fight back.
Side deck options: Innocent Lancer (a Pyro monster that pierces), Torna. These monsters can put -tron monsters to a clock, because they can't simply set pass to survive, and most Maximum Cyberse decks don't have another boss monster, making these monsters very threatening!
A tricky deck to face. Its playstyle focuses on Heavymetal, a powerful boss that can pop the monster with the lowest Level on your field and gain its ATK. They have good recursion with Punk, reduction with Death Voice, themed MST, and possibly King's Dignity. They also have a strong card: Epic Demon's Rock, that can nuke all field by sending 2 Fiends when you Normal Summon a monster. It is detectable thought, because your opponent needs to keep at least 2-3 cards in their hand. Fiend can also play Beast Gear World, which can boost their monsters by 300.
Fiend sounds very strong, but our Pyros can always beat them with less requirement (Fiends need to tribute a lv5+ for their effects), and Spirit Shackles is a deadly card as most Fiend decks only play them pure. Also, when Over Road is played, it's likely game over because Royal Demons only affect Level 8 or lower monsters. Overall, a decent matchup for us.
Side deck options: Our main deck can fight it already well, but you can toss in 1-2 Genie if you are scared of Epic Demon's Rock
Mirror (Pyro):
Pyro doesn't have their own Traps yet, so it is the battle of who can sack faster with their Noodles. Our traps can be valuable, as Pyro loves their Normies (which are likely Pyro) in their GY, and Dignity can block an attack towards your Gockboots. If they have Art of Masked Fiery Noodle Heartburn-Inducing Pork Roast Fat though, they can greatly reduce your monster's ATK, including Over Road
Side deck options: Our Main Deck can already handle Pyros well with our traps, and a right-time Over Road can still OTK.
Psychic is like Pyro, both are sacky decks, but Psychic has Dividing Psychic Wall that can boost their monster by 500 ATK. Not too much different from Pyro Mirror then, just be aware of your opponent's LP to avoid triggering unintended Psychic effects.
Chair, Beetle:
These are the same type of deck, but with different bosses. Those decks tend to gather as much 0 ATK / Level 1 monsters (Chair / Beetle), then unveil their bosses at the last minute. However, they are slow decks, so you can bombard them with Gockboots (especially chipping with Masked Gockboot). Red Hot is a great card in this matchup, because it grants your Pyro piercing ability, and add it up with high ATK, you should crush them before they even get to their bosses.
Speaking of bosses, they are deadly if use correctly. Saturn King Beetle, Beetle's boss, can let a monster gains 100 ATK per Level 1 monsters in the GY (usually they pair it with Dragears with its double attack ability, or smack with the Beetle itself). Chair's boss, Dayu, combo with Throne of Darkness can be deadly (at the first glance), because they help Dayu to 4k ATK (and if you combo well with Shield & Sword...6k4 Dayu and 2k5 Throne...) The thing is, at the end of the turn Dayu/Throne are back to 0 ATK, and Beetle goes to 1700 ATK, so they are very prone to any attacks.
Side deck options: Innocent Lancer and Torna. As listed in Maximum Cyberse section, they are useful to punish slow plays from opponent
Cat: Fuck them
The secret to use Maximum in the most effective way is combining it with an aggressive deck. Pyro is the perfect deck to chip your opponent away, while also doesn't need brick or need too many core cards. Thanks for reading this, and I hope Rush Duel will be popular and played more soon.