Cards in hand: Trickstar Fez, Trickstar Candina
Activate Fez, summoning 2 tokens
Link summon Holly Angel with the tokens
Normal summon Candina into a zone Holly angel points to, allowing the 200 damage
Activate Candina's effect, add Light Stage to the hand
Activate Light Stage and add Lilybell to the hand
Chain Lilybell's effect to Special summon herself to a zone Holly angel points to, dealing 200 damage + another 200 Lightstage damage
Link Lilybell into Bloom, doing 400 damage
Link Candina and Bloom into Crimson Heart, dealing 400 damage
Activate Crimson Heart if you want to, but it won't yield 2 cards
Link them all into a Bella Madonna, then activate her effect to do 1000 damage + another 200 damage from Light Stage
Total damage: 200 + 400 + 400 + 400 + 1000 + 200 =2600 damage
(Not My Combo)