Hey everyone, so I've been playing Sky Strikers since it's release and have had a lot of success with it. It's a very powerful deck and it is still even with
Sky Striker Ace - Kagari at one, you just have to learn to manage your resources. The goal of the deck is to go first and achieve a lot of draw power using Engage and then setting up multiple interruptions/negates using spells like Widow Anchor, Shark Cannon, Eagle Booster, Called By The Grave etc to stun your opponent consistently until you completely out grind them. After testing this build for a while ever since the release of the April 2019 banlist, I think it is really solid and I am hoping you guys will use it and enjoy it as much as I have. I hope you guys will use it to win since I've had much success with this build I created from scratch. Thank god for Hercules Base because it allows you to recur Kagari back into your extra deck so you can use it a second time, its first effect is also very powerful in battle. Equipping it to a Shizuku and then attacking your opponent's lowered attack monsters to draw 2 cards is busted. The last note I want to make is that I added
Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf because you can actually go into it with 2 fire monsters like Hiita and Kagari, or whatever 2 fire monsters you can get. Link summoning Hiita and then using her effect to special summon a fire monster from your opponent's graveyard is normally the best way. The idea is to special summon a monster to the zone Sunlight Wolf points to below and use its effect to add back Kagari. This is an alternate option just in case you've already burned Hercules Base and the grind game is crucial. I love this as well because I play Ghost Cherries in the side deck because Sunlight Wolf is a Cherries target as well, and you can use Cherries for the mirror match. I hope you guys enjoy the deck and stick around for more!