A fun (almost) pure scrap deck that focuses on abusing the not once per turn effect of scrap searcher and scrap golem.
Scraps have been one of my favourite archetypes. As a kid I used to get those small tins with proxy yugioh cards in them. among them was scrap and the art style immediately catched my soul
back to the deck.
The decks main goal is to get 3 scrap searchers to the gy asap, theres 3 ways to do it, foolish burial, scrap shark's self pop (nopt foolish burial for a scrap), fraktal (foolish burial for a winged beast). Then when another scrap on the field gets destroyed by effect, the birds revive themsleves and its not once per turn so you can abuse that to get lots of resources on board for link, xyz or synchors.
Be aware that searchers destroy all non scrap monsters on your field on summon.
with the link 2 scrap wyvern and the field spell its possible to gain massive resources to play around and you can self-chain 3-5 with wyvern, field spell and searchers with effects triggering on your field and gy all at the same time. Its like a huge factory operating!
scrap recycler is a easy link 2 and if you dump jet synchron you can also rid a searcher in your hand if you happen to draw one
Ghost ogre is a wierd one in this deck, for it can also pop your own scraps to trigger searchers in a emergency
Because the searcher spam, link climbing isnt too difficult and with wyvern being earth you can get 2 pops + 1 bounce out of a 5.3k Access code.
The other easy to make lv9 synchro is scrap twin dragon which itself is a bounce 2 and the destroy effect can come in handy to get your searchers back on field.
The 2 lyriluscs can be easily made with 2 searchers, robin gives you up to 2 bounces and nightingale can attack directly and is a potential 4 mat zeus with downerd
Naturia beast is also a easy option with golem reviving scrap raptor + 1 searcher and works as a mini miller too
Even if you didnt get searchers into the gy the field spell + wyvern will give you enough resources to make at least a lv9 synchro which for this deck is powertool braver to equip moon mirror shield, metal silver armor and Supermagic sword. These 3 equips will lock your opponent from targeting anything, whether its their own cards or yours while also giving your powertool braver battle protection or a monster negate. The equip spells are also somewhat enough to be used on their own if needed. But your endboard will usually include powertool braver, wyvern and another ed monster of your choice, its not a good enboard but enough to trouble your opponent a bit :P
The deck also has interesting gimmicks like using scrap golem to summon searcher to your opponents field. Searchers effect is mandatory and when summoned to opp's field its treated as they activated the effect hence can board wipe your opponent, Or smack the 0 attack goblin that cant be destroyed by battle.
The deck dies to abyss dweller or shifter since it relies heavily on gy plays but has a decent consistency and can play through droll sometimes because most effects in this deck are sending to gy, ss from deck or gy.