Infinite combos and recycling like you would not believe in this deck. You can literally summon either of your boss monsters and board wipe during your opponent's turn without incurring cost thanks to Meow-Meow. It's a 1-card free combo off of any Prank-Kids monster to get a crazy set-up. If you start with any extra resources in your hand (an extra monster, fusion spell, field card, pretty much anything) you can generally combo into both of your boss monsters during your opponent's turn and completely destroy any hope they had of even playing the game.
The ratios I play are pretty standard, the deck just flows like this. I play 3 of the field spell and Terraforming just to bump my odds to 16 cards in my deck that will let me get off my combo. Thunder Dragon Fusion is pretty essential just so there's less fear if I'm forced to banish one of my Prank-Kids off of Rocksies. I saw someone else using The Last Warrior From Another Planet and Cyber-Stein, and I thought it was neat, but not strong enough to include in my main deck, so I've put it in my side just in case I ever want to pull it out, but to be honest, I almost never have to side deck, just because there's not much that can play through this deck (I think I've only ever had to when playing banish-eccentric opponents just to get a second Battle-Butler). If someone can successfully stop the combo early enough, Prank-Kids are done for, but I already play Ash and Called By The Grave at 3 each, and that's about all I've ever really needed.
If I had to change anything, I'd just make space in the side deck for more hand traps and negates, maybe add Infinite Impermanence or Lightning Storm, but realistically, those cards are way too expensive for me anyways.
Always try to go first with this deck just to get your set-up, especially since Meow-Meow can only banish itself during your opponent's turn.
The biggest counter to this deck that I've seen is anything that banishes. Dimension Shifter, Dark Law, Dimensional Fissure, and Macro Cosmos just make me want to die.
If you have any questions about combo tutorials or any ratios that I play, leave a comment down below and I'll try to explain!