(This used to be a deck breakdown of my Master Duel Lyrilusc deck, but that version sucks so bad with how few UR points I spent on it. Here’s my TCG version instead which is better than that bricky mess of a deck)
Lyrilusc is a solid xyz-focused deck that unfortunately had to take a hit for Tri-Brigade’s sins. The deck isn’t dead yet though and can still put up some impressive endboards when played pure. Just be warned that running Tri-Brigades in this deck instead of playing the pure version does make the deck more resilient overall. I just personally love playing decks as pure as I can.
Deck Breakdown:
Main Deck Monsters:
- 3x - Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler: The best starter in the deck. Summons straight from hand on an empty field, and if it's special summoned from hand you can special another Lyrilusc from hand or grave for free. Always run three.
- 3x - Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow: The best extender in the deck. Summons from hand if you control a winged-beast, and then summons another level 1 winged-beast from hand. As a bonus, it evens grabs an extra material from grave if you use it to summon a Wind xyz. Run three of this as well
- 3x - Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary: The second-best extender in the deck. It summons itself from hand and grabs another Lyrilusc from grave as well for the low price of being locked into xyz monsters for the rest of the turn. Really sucks in some other builds that focus on links, but for an xyz focused build it's extremely useful for extending combos. Run three unless you really wanna use links.
- 3x - Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow: On special summon, it searches any level 1 winged-beast. If you didn't notice, that's the entire archetype's main deck monster lineup. By far your best special summon off Sapphire Swallow, and one of their spell cards. And it protects any Wind xyz summoned with it from being targeted. Its search effect is a hard OPT but running three doesn’t hurt the deck at all.
- 2x - Lyrilusc - Celeste Wagtail: This one searches the other half of your archetype's main deck cards. On special summon, it grabs a Lyrilusc spell/trap from deck. The spell/trap lineup of this deck is busted as hell, so finding one for free during a combo is extremely useful. It also attaches itself from GY for free to any Lyrilusc xyz on board. Run two since it’s also a hard OPT and it’s not as flexible as Cobalt Sparrow.
- 1x - Slower Swallow: The only non-Lyrilusc involved in the combos. Summons from hand for free if 2 or more monsters with the same level are on field. That includes your opponent's field if they ever happen to make that kind of gamestate. And it can even tribute itself to double your draw next turn. You can get two or three searches of level 1 winged-beasts during the combo so you really only need one, but running two or three really wouldn't hurt the deck at all.
- 3x - Wynn the Wind Channeler: By discarding this card and another wind monster you can search any of the monsters listed above. Just an all-around amazing card in this deck and you should run three no matter what build you play. Just be mindful of the discard cost as it can sometimes be a brick.
- Handtraps: Anywhere between 6 and 12 works well in the deck without killing consistency. I use Ash Blossom and Joyous Springs since it’s the more generically useful handtrap in the game as well as Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion since it’s super effective against all the decks of the people I play with. There’s also Infinite Impermanence but we’ll get into that card later.
Main Deck Spells/Traps:
- 3x - Lyrilusc - Bird Call: This deck gets an archetypal search card that can also be a foolish burial, and it even summons one Lyrilusc from hand when it resolves. I don't know this got through the R&D department at Konami but this card is busted. Run three until they limit/ban it.
- 1x - Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary: The archetype's second-best spell/trap. If you control an xyz monster, you get a free draw. And if you control two xyz monsters, you can attach one to the other to make a huge xyz monster. Run one because it's searchable.
- 1x - Lyrilusc – Bird Strike: A searchable archetypal Dark Ruler No More. And it doesn’t even have the drawback of not being able to damage the opponent. Just a crazy card. Run one since it’s searchable, but I run the other two in the side deck since you sometimes can’t search it through negation depending on your matchup.
- 3x - Wonders of Nature: This card is just insanely good in this deck. If you open it and any of the Lyrilusc’s with effects that activate on special summon, you can use this to proc those effects and then search a Poly in the end phase. I always run three since it has basically zero drawbacks., but if you play TCG or Master Duel you can run Summon Storm instead in this slot.
- 1x - One for One: Summons a level 1 straight from deck. Just make sure you're only summoning Celeste Wagtail or Cobalt Sparrow with this since the others won't get their effects. Run one because it's limited and probably always will be.
- 3x - Wing Requital: Pot of greed for a 600 LP cost if you control 2 or more winged beasts. You're gonna control a lot of winged-beasts. Run three because going +1 is super cool. Just be aware it’s not always online past turn one with how many non-winged-beast options you tend to end on.
- 1x - Polymerization: Honestly, you probably shouldn't run Poly at all in this deck. Beryl Canary locks you into xyz monsters the turn you activate its effect, so most of the time this is a dead draw. However, I think Independent Nightingale is a cool card and I love summoning it. If you don't share that opinion, there are plenty of better cards to run instead that we'll get into later.
- 1x - Called by the Grave: Not as great as Crossout Designator for dealing with handtraps, but Crossout has a bit much of a deck cost for me to run it. Run one because you can’t run any more than that, but if you don’t mind losing deck space to Crossout targets, run three of that instead.
- 3x - Infinite Impermanence: Unironically my favorite handtrap in the game and I run a playset in every deck that I can. It’s like Effect Veiler on steroids. You can swap this out for another handtrap though.
Extra Deck:
- 1x - Lyrilusc - Recital Starling: Searches any level 1 winged-beast by detaching a material. This is only a soft OPT, so every Recital Starling you summon can use this search effect if you can somehow manage to summon this more than once in a turn. It also has an attack increasing effect that has never come up ever. Run one because it’s limited, but bump this up to two or three if it ever comes off the list. If you play OCG or Master Duel, run two or three instead.
- 2x - Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale: The old win condition of the deck. If you stack a bunch of materials on her, she can attack once for each material, and gains 200 attack for each material, AND can attack directly. This card can OTK with 7 materials and can become a huge Zeus with any less. It can also provide destruction and battle protection to your whole archetype while also preventing battle damage. Run one or two since you only need that many to win a game
- 2x - Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin: The archetype's new "win condition". Can bounce any monster special summoned by your opponent without an OPT on the card. This deck also excels at making huge xyz monsters, so you might be able to completely stop your opponent for a turn. Run one or two since you tend to kill your opponent before a third one would even be needed.
- 1x - Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush: The weakest of all the Lyrilusc xyz monsters, but it still has some utility. It can clear one spell/trap by bouncing it and can increase the attack of one of your monsters to help close out a game. By detaching just two materials from this card, you can buff up a 5 material Assembled Nightingale to be in OTK range. Run one because it doesn’t come up all the time, but when it does, you’re about to win the game.
- 1x - Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale: The fusion boss monster of an xyz deck without any archetypal fusion spell. This card is so bad in its own archetype, but I love it so much and just have toplay it here. This card is prime kaiju bait though and might cost you a game instead of winning it. It could also be used as an Instant Fusion target if you want to run that card. Just be mindful of its limited status. Run one at most.
- 1x - Downerd Magician: Acts as a bridge between your xyz monsters and Zeus for an extra material. Run one because you only need one Zeus.
- 1x - Divine Arsenal AA-Zeus - Sky Thunder: The best generic xyz monster in the game. Can get some insane numbers of materials after you perform your full combo. Run one because you only need one to close out a game.
- 1x - Linkuriboh: The best way to set up your GY in this deck. It also has a super handy battle phase effect that can save your *** in a pinch. Run one because it self-recurs and only really needs to be summoned once.
- 1x - Link Spider: Just to link off a Nibiru token if you get hit with the rock. Run one because if you're getting Nibiru-ed twice in one game, you already lost it.
- 1x - Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant: Not super necessary, but can help against other wind decks by grabbing one of their monsters from grave or even searching one of your monsters after it dies. Run one because it barely ever comes up.
- 1x - Geonator Transverser: A great generic link that can give you your opponent’s boss monster with just three monsters as an investment. It doesn’t come up in every game, and it conflicts with Wynn and Beryl Canary, but if you manage to resolve its effect you can win a game on the spot. Run one because you only need one to turn the game around.
- 1x - Predaplant Verte Anaconda: I’m sure everyone’s seen this card before. If you’re like me and want to summon Independent Nightingale, run this card as a way to avoid needing Poly searchers in an xyz deck. If you’re in the OCG or just want to avoid that card entirely, you can drop this for a different card. Just run one Verte since we aren’t using Prosperity or Extrav in the deck.
- 1x - Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess: Another good turn 1 option. If you summon this before Beryl Canary, you can have 3-4 monster negates basically for free. Run one because you only ever need one.
Side Deck:
- Other Handtraps: I personally run three Nibiru the Primal Being and three Droll and Lock Bird in my side deck, but you can run whichever handtraps work the best for you.
- Kaijus: Your best options in this deck are The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode, Lava Golem, and Gadarla the Mystery Dust Kaiju. You rarely ever normal summon so Sphere Mode and Lava Golem don’t conflict with the deck all that much, and Gadarla is the best Kaiju for this deck since it’s a wind-attribute card. Wynn needs more winds after all, so it’s decent discard fodder if you draw it turn one.
- Anti-Backrow Cards: Every deck needs at least three of these in the side deck to be able to combat backrow heavy decks. I play a Harpie’s Feather Duster and three Cosmic Cyclone in my side decks since the Duster can clear all the backrow at once and Cyclone banishes instead of destroying.
Other Options:
- Performapal Trump Witch: If you really want to go deep on the Independent Nightingale route, you can use Trump Witch as extra copies of Poly that can also fusion summon while set in scales. If you don't ever want to fusion summon though, just ignore this one.
- Jester Confit: This card is the best level 1 extender in the game. I just personally don't like looking at him. He's also a dark-type spellcaster so he's completely unsearchable in the deck and can clash with Wynn. He's not a bad choice for the deck at all though
- Thousand-Eyes Restrict and Millennium-Eyes Restrict: The best instant fusion targets for this deck. Both can yoink a monster and then be used to extend link or xyz plays.
- Number F0: Utopic Draco Future: This deck summons a lot of xyz monsters per turn, and none of them are Numbers, so you can make UDF super easily to add some negation to your end board. This package does require two extra deck slots to work, and for those with a keen eye, you might have noticed two extra deck cards that sorta work together in Independent Nightingale and Verte Anaconda. They’re the best two cards you can swap out for this package.
- Kikinagashi Fucho: Not that great of a card, but if you brick badly enough summoning this can keep you alive for another turn.
- Tri-Brigade Shuraig the Ominous Omen: Non-targeting banish on summon and when another tri-type is summoned to your field. Really good when you're going second, but not as free as he is in a dedicated Tri-Brigade build.
- Underworld Goddess of the Closed World: One of the best generic links in the game, and with how easy this deck can spam the board, you can summon it decently consistently. If you’re in the OCG and still want to run Independent Nightingale, replace Verte with this card.
- Where Arf Thou?: Another search card to add consistency to the deck. It's a bit wonkier to use though since you can't search until you have a level 1 on board (thanks Exodia...) so I never really run it.
- Instant Fusion: Just a way to get another level 1 on board for xyz spamming. I use Ready Fusion in all my decks that could run both, but the level 1 pool of fusion monsters doesn’t have any non-effect monsters.
- Harpie's Feather Storm: Acts like a Skill Drain for one turn. Just a bit of an eh include with it being a trap in a very fast deck.
All in all, I really love this deck and I think it's a great option as a potential rogue deck. Just be warned that this exact version is a bit pricey with the cards I included. Swapping out the handtrap lineup I chose for a cheaper one and tweaking the extra deck by removing the Verte, Apollousa, and Zeus package can make this an extremely affordable deck to play without too much of a hit to how well the deck can perform. Just be warned that Bird Call is like 3 dollars a copy.