Pure Dream Mirror
Deck Primer
Come forth and enter the mysterious Dream Mirror. Which Twisted Realm will you see today? The Realm of Joy or the Realm of Terror? Today we take a closer look at a very fun and unique Archetype, Dream Mirror. Let's go into the Details:
Joy and Terror Combined
The overall Goal of this Deck is to have both of your Field Spells Dream Mirror of Joy and Dream Mirror of Terror active. To achieve that you need to use the Trap Card Dream Mirror Hypnagogia which will place one Field Spell to your Side and the other to the opponents side, from your Hand or Deck. Since this card places them onto the field Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring cannot prevent it from happening.
Like that most of your Dream Mirror Monsters can as a Quick effect during the Main or Battle Phase tribute themselves to Special summon their LIGHT or DARK Counterpart from the Deck. If you have Dream Mirror Recap active they will be shuffled into the Deck instead thus creating a perfect Ressource Loop.
So the overall Goal is to find Dream Mirror Hypnagogia as fast as possible and soon after that get Dream Mirror Recap into play too. With quite a bit of setup your Deck is now able to unleash it's almighty Power!
Neiroy the Disciple enters the Dreamworld
Both Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple and Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor don't follow the usual rules Maindeck Dream Mirror Monsters have and they serve as your Main Starters. They both are L3 and have 1000/1000 Statlines.
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple can be Special Summoned from the Hand if you control a Dream Mirror Monster and can then Change his Attribute to DARK (More on that importance later). If he's Special Summoned through a Dream Mirror Monster effect he also triggers a Mandatory effect. If Dream Mirror of Joy is active you can return a Spell/Trap from the opponent to the Hand and if Dream Mirror of Terror is active you Draw 1 Card and then shuffle 1 Card from your Hand back into the Deck. The Bounce effect is sometimes interesting to get your own Field Spell back to your Hand if it's on the opponents side and the other effect is obviously nice to get a better Hand.
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor is THE Starter of the Century and fixes the whole Archetype. If he's Normal or Special summoned he can search Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple from the Deck to your Hand and then Change his Attribute to DARK. He can also Tribute a Dream Mirror Monster and Special Summon any other Dream Mirror Monster with a different level then the tributed Monster from the Deck in defense Position AND add the Field Spell which is mentioned on that Monster to your Hand. He's always very welcome to be in your opening Hand to get your Deck up to speed by summoning Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite which searches for any other Dream Mirror Card on summon. If you fail to find him in your Starting Hand you can also use Dream Mirror Phantasms to search for him. Always think of Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor when you want to get things started.
Ikelos, Phantasos and Morpheus twisted Shape
Now with our Starter Neiroy out of the way we can take a look at the other Dream Mirror friends in our Maindeck. All of them can tribute themselves as a Quick effect cost during the Main or Battle Phase and summon their LIGHT/DARK Counterpart from the Deck. The LIGHT Monsters need Dream Mirror of Terror and the DARK Monsters need Dream Mirror of Joy active to be able to use this effect. The LIGHT Monsters have higher DEF and the DARK Monsters have higher ATK. All of them trigger a optional effect if they are Special Summoned through an Dream Mirror Monster effect.
Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite: L1 with 0/500 Statline. Searches for any Dream Mirror Card you like except herself from your Deck. She's kinda good since you can search your whole Deck with her. It's always good to summon her as quick as possible and pair her with Dream Mirror Recap to keep the advantage Train running smoothly. You get to search during your turn and your opponents turn so you can imagine how quickly this will get out of Hand.
Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Mara: L1 with 500/0 Statline. She Special summons any Dream Mirror Monster from your Hand except herself. She's super useful to get your tribute Monster Morpheus out of your Hand or to trigger any Dream Mirror Monster effect. Since Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite can search any Dream Mirror Card there's potential interruption possible with Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight.
Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Friend: L4 with 900/1900 Statline. Special summons a L8 or lower Dream Mirror Monster from your GY in defense position. This is nice to get a Morpheus back into play easily or trigger any other Dream Mirror Monster effect. It is very unfortunate that you can't revive your L10 Boss Oneiros with this card which decreases it's usefulness drastically but having a quick effect reborn ready = more interruption when combined with Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight and we take as much of that as we can get.
Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe: L4 with 1900/900 Statline. Can attack directly during the Turn he's Special summoned. Combining him with one or more Dream Mirror Phantasms can lead to a 2400/2900/3400 direct attacking threat but that's about all he can do. Both Forms of Phantasos are okayish to use and Phantasos, the Dream Mirror Foe is overall the weakest of them all.
Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight: L8 with 1000/2800 Statline. Can't be destroyed by Battle or Card effects during the turn he's Special summoned. Combining him with Dream Mirror of Joy is very useful to protect your Monsters with a lower level from Attacks and targeting effects while Morpheus itself is also protected from his own effect. He really helps out a lot to stay alive more times then you would think.
Morpheus, the Dream Mirror Black Knight: L8 with 2800/1000 Statline. Can target and destroy 1 Card on the Field. He's a very nice interruption and a great OTK Tool. Since you can switch between both Forms of Morpheus during the Battle Phase he can deal massive Damage. Since he can destroy your own cards too there's an argument to destroy your own Dream Mirror Fantasy to get the GY protection effect available if you fail to meet the activation Condition of this card.
Now before we move on we have to take a closer look at Dream Mirror Recap. It's a permanent Trap which will shuffle Dream Mirror Monsters into the Deck if they are tributed to activate their own effect. Thanks to this card you can loop Ikelos, Phantasos and Morpheus as many times as you like. If you don't have this card active you run out of targets for their Quick effects very quickly.
The little problem is that your Fusion Bossmonster Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor will be shuffled into the Extra Deck too while this card is active which you don't want to happen BUT thankfully they thought about that part too. As a quick effect anytime you can send Dream Mirror Recap to the GY to place a Dream Mirror of Joy or Dream Mirror of Terror which is in the GY or Banished into your Field Zone face up. You can then Special summon a Monster from your Hand which mentions the Field Spell in it's text. Dream Mirror Recap is the only in archetype card who gets your Field Spells back from the GY so you often wanna use that effect to get your Field Spells back like that.
Oneiros the God of Dreams
Obviously your Boss Monster has 2 Forms too which are both L10 with a 3000/3000 Statline. Both Forms are treated as LIGHT and DARK Attribute while on the Field and have to be summoned with a LIGHT and DARK Dream Mirror Monster.
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor can as a quick effect negate a Monster effect if Dream Mirror of Terror is active. If Dream Mirror of Joy is active he can tribute himself as a quick effect to summon his Counterpart Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking from the Extra Deck in Defense Position. This is not treated as being properly Fusion Summoned. If you have a set Dream Mirror Oneiromancy in the backrow you are ready to negate everything the opponent might throw at you.
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking can target and destroy any Card on the field if another Monster you control is Tributed. If he's destroyed through Battle or an opponents Card effect you can summon any other Dream Mirror Monster from your GY. His destruction effect triggers no matter how your Monster is tributed which is a very good thing.
Both Forms of Oneiros form a little Loop if performed in correct order. Summon Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor first and tribute him with his Quick effect if he's in danger to summon Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking from your Extra Deck. If this Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking is destroyed he can bring back Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor who then can tribute himself again to get another Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking from the Extra Deck. This "Loop" is obviously limited to the 3 Erlking's you have access too but it's nice to have.
Manipulating the Mirrors
I guess it's about time to take a closer look at the pretty strong Spell & Trap Lineup we have access to. Dream Mirror Hypnagogia and Dream Mirror Recap are already out of the way and we know how important those two are but what about the rest?
Dream Mirror of Joy and Dream Mirror of Terror can both banish themselves during either players End Phase and activate their Counterpart from the Hand or Deck. It's useful to use this effect not only to thin out your Deck but to get Dream Mirror Fantasy online too (We talk about this card very soon).
Dream Mirror of Joy has an additional effect if you Control a LIGHT Dream Mirror Monster. Your opponent can only target your Monster with the highest Level for attacks and card effects. If you have your L10 Oneiros active he will protect all other Dream Mirror Monsters. Since he's treated as LIGHT and DARK he alway fulfills the Condition for both of your Field Spells.
Dream Mirror of Terror will inflict 300 Burn damage to the opponent whenever he Special summons a Monster if you control a DARK Dream Mirror Monster. Since your L3 Neiroy's can change their Attribute they are not only useful to easily Fusion Summon Oneiros but also good to get your Field Spells effects active. In general I like to have Dream Mirror of Joy active on my side since the protection he creates is kinda good to have.
Having 300 Burn Damage is useful in some specific matchups so think about it against Synchro Spam or Divine Beast Decks.
Dream Mirror Phantasms is a permanent spell that can search any Dream Mirror Monster from your Deck on activation. If "Joy" is active your Monsters gain 500 ATK/DEF, if "Terror" is active opponents Monsters loose 500 ATK/DEF. This card is a searcher which also creates a huge Gap in Stat advantage and even increases the ATK of non Dream Mirror Monsters. A must play for sure.
Dream Mirror of Chaos is a quick play which fusion summons Oneiros by using Monsters from the field as Material. If "Joy" is active you can use your Hand too, if "Terror" is active you can banish Monsters from your GY too. This card is obviously your Oneiros access and very easy to get with Ikelos, the Dream Mirror Sprite whenever you need it.
Dream Mirror Fantasy is a Normal Trap I mentioned a few times already since it's kinda good. If you control a Dream Mirror Monster you shuffle both "Joy" and "Terror" from your banished Zone back into the Deck to banish 1 card on the field. This effect does NOT target. You can banish this card from the GY if a Dream Mirror Card(s) would be destroyed to prevent that. It can protect both Monsters and Backrow. This card is easily online within one turn since both "Joy" and "Terror" can banish themselves during the End Phase.
Dream Mirror Oneiromancy: A Counter Trap which negates and destroys a Spell/Trap if "Joy" is active and negates and destroys a Monster that is Special summoned if "Terror" is active. Having a slightly weaker Solemn Judgment without cost and only condition is absolute gold.
The Extra Dreams Meetup
The Extra Deck is there to close some holes within this Strategy and make the whole Archetype well rounded.
Leviair the Sea Dragon is here to bring back banished Dream Mirror Monsters which fell victim to Dream Mirror of Chaos and be able to use them again.
Number 49: Fortune Tune is a little tower who can recover a few LP every turn but more importantly shuffle both Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple and Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor back into your Deck to be able to use them again.
Use Gravity Controller to easily trigger this recycling effect. Gravity Controller itself can return to the Extra Deck if he Battles a Monster in the Extra Monster Zone which forms a very nice little Loop with Number 49: Fortune Tune who also returns to the Extra Deck through his own effect.
Knightmare Gryphon is here to recycle your Spell & Trap lineup, especially Dream Mirror of Chaos and Dream Mirror Oneiromancy most of the time. Since he's a Link-4 he has a pretty hefty cost investment but he also prevents the activation of Special Summoned Monsters effects which are not linked.
Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous and Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy serve as possible ways to steal opponents LIGHT or DARK Monsters from their GY and use them for yourself. Also being able to search Neiroy with them is an added bonus that's a very welcome addition for your Deck.
Proxy F Magician is able to fusion summon with Monsters on the field and can special summon Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor from your Hand which is also nice to have access to.
Barricadeborg Blocker recycles your Field Spells and Dream Mirror Phantasms and protects them against destruction. He's especially nice since Dream Mirror Phantasms makes him more formidable in terms of Statline.
Oneiros daily Pipedream
Dream Mirror is not without flaws. Without Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor you don't get up to speed very fast and he falls to a single Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring which is bad. On the other Hand Dream Mirror Hypnagogia is immune to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring which is a pluspoint.
But there's another problem in form of ressources. You need Dream Mirror Recap active to be able to run this deck properly after turn 3 or more. Otherwise you won't have enough targets in your Maindeck left to play the game.
Being reliant on 2 active Field Spells comes with another downside. The opponent might find it easy to remove the Field Spell on his side by activating his own Field Spell on top of it. Be sure to know what he's playing and activate Dream Mirror Hypnagogia in response to his Field Spell activation to avoid disaster.
Overall this Deck is not as easy to play as it might seem at first sight.
Final Fantasy
Dream Mirror is a Deck which relies heavily on it's Spell & Trap lineup and can generate massive advantage while interrupting the opponent with powerful Quick effects. A Dream Mirror Hypnagogia & Dream Mirror Recap setup can deal with almost everything and makes you feel like playing a top Meta Deck.
If you like a unique Playstyle like the one Dream Mirror has and you got some Experience with Yugioh as a whole feel free to give this Deck a try, it's a very fun Deck.
Final Rating:
★★★★★★☆ OTK Potential
★★★★★☆☆ Defensive Tools
★★★★★★★ Control Options
★★★★★☆☆ Removal Options
★★★★★☆☆ Recovery/Recycling
★★★★★★☆ Card Advantage
Overall Rating: ★★★★★★☆ 34/42★
Special Sleeping Instructions
More modern Decks don't have many unknown rulings but Dream Mirror is strange and special, that's why this section is a little bigger:
Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Tormentor: 1. His negate doesn't destroy the Monster. 2. Summoning Oneiros, the Dream Mirror Erlking with his effect does not count as being properly Fusion summoned. 3. This card returns to the Extra Deck if Dream Mirror Recap is active when he activates his second effect.
Morpheus, the Dream Mirror White Knight: His protection effect has to be activated after he's successfully special summoned.
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Disciple: 1. Special summoning him from the Hand is an effect which activates in your Hand. 2. His 2nd effect is mandatory. It's optional to return a Spell/Trap but you always draw a card. 3. These effects even activate if there's no "Joy" and "Terror" active and resolve without effect.
Neiroy, the Dream Mirror Traitor: If you can't add "Joy" or "Terror" to your Hand his effect can't be activated.
Dream Mirror of Joy & Dream Mirror of Terror: Activating "Joy" or "Terror" from your Deck is an effect which Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring can't negate.
Dream Mirror Hypnagogia: This cards effect can also not be negated from Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring.
Dream Mirror Fantasy: 1. This card can prevent the destruction of as many Dream Mirror Cards as you like by banishing itself. 2. This card does not target.
Dream Mirror Recap: Monsters shuffled into the Deck do not touch the GY at any point.
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