Pure Dragonmaid
Deck Primer
Dragonmaids. Everyone has seen them and they've never been that Dangerous against you right? Well it's because people don't play it PURE enough! No really, this Decklist is absolute fire and brings me into the highest Master Duel Rank with ease. It's all about practice and not even Tearlament & friends shall stop you. Let's talk about the Details:
What Appetizer shall I serve you today Master?
Your overall Goal with this Deck is to Fusion summon your Boss Monsters Dragonmaid Sheou and House Dragonmaid and use every card around them to generate massive Advantage and easily OTK the opponent. Let's see how we get there:
Like always we have to start with every Deck somewhere. Finding Starters in this Deck is pretty easy. As for your Monsters: Chamber Dragonmaid , Parlor Dragonmaid and Kitchen Dragonmaid are your best cards to get things started. On Summon Search any Dragonmaid Spell or Trap with Chamber Dragonmaid mill any Dragonmaid card with Parlor Dragonmaid or search any Dragonmaid Monster with Kitchen Dragonmaid. Note that Kitchen Dragonmaid has to discard one Dragonmaid Monster after that.
Laundry Dragonmaid and Dragonmaid Ernus also achieve similar things be it with a little more Luck and setup. Laundry Dragonmaid on Summon mills the top 3 Cards of your Deck and Dragonmaid Ernus one of your L7 Dragons can discard herself as a quick effect to summon a L4 or lower Dragonmaid Monster from your Hand.
And that's just the Monsters. The Spell lineup with Dragonmaid Hospitality enables a Special summon for any Dragonmaid Monster from your Hand or GY and can Mill another Dragonmaid of the same Attribute but with a different level from your Deck after that.
With Dragonmaid Changeover you can Fusion summon one of your 2 Big Bosses and unbrick a Hand easily. Don't worry this Deck basically doesn't brick ever.
Even your Trap Dragonmaid Tidying can be used as a quick effect from the GY to bring a Dragonmaid from Hand or GY onto the field which will then be returned to your Hand during the End Phase.
In total pretty much every card in this Deck gets you started so don't worry to much about that. Let's start focusing on the next point. Your 2 amazing Boss Monsters.
Time for the Main Dish Intruder!
The earlier mentioned Dragonmaid Sheou and House Dragonmaid are your 2 Fusion Boss Monsters which this Deck revolves around. The Fusion Card Dragonmaid Changeover can be brought into play easily and can even recycle itself back to the Hand by bouncing one of your Dragonmaids back to the Hand.
Many people try to just summon the formidable 3500 ATK Dragonmaid Sheou first. With her you can summon any Dragonmaid Monster from the Hand or GY during every Standby Phase of both players. On top of that she has an Omni Negate which will return Dragonmaid Sheou back to the Extra Deck, negate and destroy the activated Card and summon House Dragonmaid from the Extra Deck instead.
We have to note a few things here. The summoned House Dragonmaid with this effect is not properly fusion summoned and cannot be resummoned should she leave the field. You may use Dragonmaid Nudyarl's Hand effect and target your own House Dragonmaid in the GY to return her to the Extra Deck in some cases. That is important because if you have no House Dragonmaid in your Extra Deck you cannot activate the effect if Dragonmaid Sheou.
If you have the ressources it's more wise to summon House Dragonmaid first, use the recycling effect of Dragonmaid Changeover to use it again and transform House Dragonmaid and any other Dragonmaid into Dragonmaid Sheou. Like that you can resummon House Dragonmaid whenever you like.
Why is that important you ask? Let me explain: House Dragonmaid can target another Dragonmaid Monster you control and summon a Dragonmaid which Level is 1 higher or lower then the targeted Monsters Level from your Hand or GY in defense Position. The second effect is were House Dragonmaid can really shine. When a Dragonmaid Monster is returned to the Hand you can target and destroy 1 Monster from the opponent without a Once per Turn.
A few things to not here that unlike Dragonmaid Sheou's hard once per turns, both of these effects are way less limited. The first effect is a soft once per turn and the 2nd effect has no limitation at all... but it's a When... you can... so we actually have a modern example of a card which can miss timing with House Dragonmaid.
I guess now is a good time to explain that one other important mechanic Dragonmaids have to offer. At the Start of the Battle Phase they transform into Dragons!
Every L2 Dragonmaid can turn into a L7 Dragonmaid, every L3 Dragonmaid can turn into a L8 Dragonmaid and Chamber Dragonmaid can turn into any L7,8,9 or 10 Dragonmaid you like. That's done by returning them to the Hand which will trigger House Dragonmaid many times in the process. The summoned Dragon can come from the Hand or GY. That's why it's wise to use their discard effects before you enter the Battle Phase.
As long as you control a Fusion Monster your L7 2600 ATK and L8 2700 ATK Dragon Forms can't be destroyed by card effects. Now at the end of the Battle Phase you can return the Dragon Forms back to the Hand and summon your L2 and L3 Dragonmaids back to the field. That's a lot of advantage which you can create here every turn.
This Combination is your Bread and Butter Combo when combined with your Fusion Bosses. But obviously that's not all. Every Card in this Archetype is not only easily searchable but also combos very well with each other.
The Dessert is ready Master
In this Paragraph I will talk more in detail about every card and how to use it properly in this Deck:
Dragonmaid Tinkhec: His Hand effect allows you to discard him as a Quick Effect to give a 2000 ATK Boost to one of your Dragonmaids. This is best used before the Battle Phase in your turn or during the damage Step in the opponents turn. He can create an easy 5500 ATK Dragonmaid Sheou which is very menacing for sure.
Dragonmaid Lorpar: She's an hidden gem. Sadly not as a Quick Effect you can discard her to target any Monster on the field which prevents players from activating it's effects in this turn as long as it's on the field. Thanks to her you have a good way going second to deactivate a potential threat from the opponent before you start your own Combo. Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer , Baronne de Fleur and friends can be turned off safely with this card in your Hand.
Dragonmaid Ernus: She can as a Quick effect again discard herself to summon any L4 or lower Dragonmaid Monster from your Hand. She's also useful going 2nd since you can summon a Monster during your opponents End Phase to get a search or mill. Then during your turn thanks to many bounce effects you can return your Monster to the Hand and use it's on summon effect again.
Dragonmaid Nudyarl: Again not as a Quick effect you can discard her to target a Monster in any GY and shuffle it back into the Deck. Useful for you to reset incorrectly summoned House Dragonmaid's and useful to get rid of dangerous Monsters from the opponents GY all the same. She can also recycle your generic Extra Deck options to never run out of Gas.
Chamber Dragonmaid: Searches any Dragonmaid Spell & Trap on summon. That makes her the best card to get to Dragonmaid Changeover quickly. Since she can turn into House Dragonmaid or Dragonmaid Sheou too she's quite versatile in it's usage. Just beware that she cannot be resummoned through the effects of your L7 and L8 Main Deck Dragons.
Kitchen Dragonmaid: Searches any Dragonmaid Monster on summon and has to discard one Dragonmaid Monster after that. She's good to search Dragonmaid Ernus which can then be used to get another Dragonmaid onto the field. You may also search just about every other Dragonmaid Monster depending on the Situation.
Parlor Dragonmaid: Mills any Dragonmaid Card on Summon. This kind of effect is very useful for many things. You can mill Dragonmaid Changeover and use that effect to setup a Fusion summon. You can mill Dragonmaid Tidying to get a quick effect Dragonmaid summon live whenever you may need it. You could also mill Dragonmaid Welcome which will trigger its 3rd effect and give targeting Protection to all Dragonmaids until the End Phase. This is extremely useful during the opponents turn and easily achieved with your Fusion Bosses. Obviously you can mill every other card from your Deck too which you want to recycle with Dragonmaid Welcome after that, or one of your Big Dragons for Battle Phase shenanigans.
Nurse Dragonmaid: Brings back one of your L4 or lower Dragonmaids from the GY back to the field on summon. She's perfect to get more Monsters onto the field and in general to perform more Fusion summons from that position. Always keep her in the back of your head and use her as soon as you have other Dragonmaids in your GY.
Laundry Dragonmaid: Mills the top 3 Cards of your Deck on summon. She has the same applications as Parlor Dragonmaid but it's clearly more random. In some lucky cases she's pretty devastating.
Dragonmaid Changeover: Performs a Fusion Summon for a Dragon Monster by using Dragon type Monsters from the Hand or Field. While in the GY you can return this card to the Hand by targeting a Dragonmaid Monster which will be returned back to the Hand too. Note that it doesn't matter if the targeted Monster stays on the field or gets destroyed or removed by other effects before that. You always get Dragonmaid Changeover back to the Hand. This enables combo potential when combined with Dragonmaid Send-Off , Dragonmaid Tidying or Dragonmaid Downtime. Also you can summon Five-Headed Dragon with this card which is useful in a very limited amount of Situations.
Dragonmaid Hospitality: Summon any Dragonmaid from the Hand or GY in defense and mill one with the same Attribute but an different level from the Deck. Obviously very strong but keep in mind that summoning Chamber Dragonmaid is less optimal since there's no mill target for it.
Dragonmaid Send-Off: A quick play spell that targets and returns one Dragonmaid you control to the Hand and summons another one from the Hand. The summoned Monster is unable to be destroyed by Battle or Card effects until the end of the next turn. This card is perfect to avoid cards such as Infinite Impermanence or to stall out for one turn. If you happen to summon Parlor Dragonmaid you can mill Dragonmaid Welcome which equals in you getting a Monster unable to be destroyed by Battle, Card effects and unable to be targeted. The effect which returns your Monster back to the Hand has to do that, otherwise no Monster is summoned. Combinations with Dragonmaid Tidying are possible if said card is Chain 1 and Dragonmaid Send-Off is Chain 2.
Dragonmaid Welcome: All your Monsters gain 100 ATK/DEF for every Dragonmaid you control. If you control 2 or more of them once per turn you can return any Dragonmaid card except Dragonmaid Welcome from your GY back to your Hand. If this card is sent to the GY from anywhere your Dragonmaids cannot be targeted by Card effects until the End of this turn. All 3 effects of this card are very useful and can be combined in various ways with all your other cards.
Dragonmaid Tidying: Target and return a Dragon you control and a card from the opponents Field or GY back to the Hand. You can banish this card from the GY then summon a Dragonmaid from Hand or GY and return it to the Hand during the End Phase. Only one of these effects can be used per turn. The first effect is perfect to be combined with Dragonmaid Changeover , Dragonmaid Send-Off or Dragonmaid Downtime since your Monster doesn't have to be on the field on resolution for the opponents card to be returned. Imagine activating Dragonmaid Changeover then Dragonmaid Tidying and then Dragonmaid Downtime or Dragonmaid Send-Off. You will get 3 effects by bouncing just 1 Dragonmaid Monster which is insane advantage.
Dragonmaid Downtime: Your permanent Trap which enables you to bounce one of your Dragonmaids to search any Dragonmaid Card or target and Bounce an opponents Spell or Trap back to the Hand. This effects have to successfully return your Dragonmaid back to the Hand to trigger. You have a search for any card from your Deck or an interruption for Field Spells and other Continuous Spells & Traps. A perfect addition to your advantage engine.
House Dragonmaid & Dragonmaid Sheou: In another Paragraph further up we talked about these two in Detail. Remember their Potential and use it to be victorious.
Your other Extra Deck spots aside from Five-Headed Dragon who's just a big beater help you to overcome the one weakness of this deck. Non targeting Removal. Underworld Goddess of the Closed World and Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder play a important role in overcoming difficult tower Monsters. Since you play every Attribute Five-Headed Link Dragon is nice as a Board Wipe too and with Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres you get yet another interruption and a free special summon on top of that. Also Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis has non targeting Destruction too and Number 11: Big Eye can steal an opponents important Monster to make way for an OTK. Finally Borrelsword Dragon is a Dragon and thus profits from cards like Dragonmaid Welcome and Dragonmaid Tidying making him only more deadly. All of these options can be recycled using Dragonmaid Nudyarl making your advantage Engine perfect.
Someone forgot about the Laundry
Normally I would list the weakpoints here since that's what every Deck has right? Graveyard hate is obviously a try against this Deck but Necrovalley is easily removed and Exosisters stand no Chance against the amount of advantage you generate. A well practiced Dragonmaid player is virtually unstoppable.
A very bad starting Hand from you and a very good one from the opponent with Kaijus Lava Golem's and multiple Boardwipes can leave you open for a lethal strike sometimes. Exodia FTK (I'm scraping the bottom here) is a danger too of course without any Handtrap interruptions on your side.
Your Deck doesn't care about Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring , Nibiru, the Primal Being or Maxx "C". Everything is ineffective against this kind of Strategy. Pure Burn from the opponent and backrow heavy Strategies can hurt you if you don't take care. No Deck is unstoppable but Dragonmaids sure are a power to be reckoned with.
The Dragonmaid Send-Off
All in all this pure Dragonmaid strategy is amazing and in the right hands almost no one will be able to stop you. It may not be the most unique or interesting playstyle with them but the pure Advantage generated with this Deck is unbelievable. If you want to reach the highest Rank in Yugioh Master Duel, I can recommend practicing this Deck. It will greatly reward you^^
Final Rating:
★★★★★★★ OTK Potential
★★★★★★☆ Defensive Tools
★★★★★★☆ Control Options
★★★★★★☆ Removal Options
★★★★★★★ Recovery/Recycling
★★★★★★★ Card Advantage
Overall Rating: ★★★★★★★ 39/42★
Special Rules before entering the Mansion
There are some Special Rules you should know about:
About returning back to the Hand: Most Dragonmaid cards have a "And if you do" written in their text. These Dragonmaid Cards have to return a Card successfully back to the Hand to trigger their effects. The 2 exceptions are Dragonmaid Changeover and Dragonmaid Tidying which do not have this limitation.
Dragonmaid Sheou: 1. If there's no House Dragonmaid in your Extra Deck you cannot activate the negation effect of this card. 2. A House Dragonmaid summoned through this effect has not been properly fusion summoned.
House Dragonmaid: 1. Her 2nd Effect can miss timing but has no once per turn. 2. Multiple Copies of this card can all activate the Standby Phase effect and summon multiple Monsters like that.
Dragonmaid Lorpar: The effect which prevents activating the Effects of a Monster targets the Monster but the Player itself cannot activate it's effects.
Dragonmaid Welcome: The last effect of this card is a mandatory effect.
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