Void Vanishment is the game ender; search
Void Feast or
Void Imagination depending on the situation. Try to go second if you can but going first isn't the worst if you manage to draw a
Void Vanishment plus
Void Feast you fill your board with negates before your opponent can act.
Lair of Darkness is useful for the once per turn tribute mechanic, I don't run more than one since its just mst bait and clogs the hand at more than one, but it's combo with
Super Polymerization and the Infernoids (quick effect) tribute mechanic is too strong too ignore. If you can use
Beat Cop from the Underworld to protect your
Lair of Darkness if you have the extra resources. Decode Talker or Crusadia Equimax can be used to otk your opponent with the right set up. Link Spider is useful for the tokens from Lair of Darkness. Side more hand traps for the round 2 to counter your opponent harder.