This deck was interesting to build for me, because I had heard of the Egyptian god cards many times, but i have never heard of the 'Horus' archetype before making this deck. However, after looking into the cards, they are very intersting to me due to the way they function. the 'Sons of Horus' cards can come back once as long as 'King's Sarcophagus' is in play. along with the aforementioned 'Son's of Horus', there are many available cards to support 'King's Sarcophagus'. In addition, the use of 'Orcustrated Babel' allows for many cards to use their abilities despite not even being on the field. Once again, as for the rest of my decks I have made, I used for the base design of this deck, however, this time I have made considerable changes to the suggested cards the builder gave me. If you have any ideas to improve the deck, please let me know.