A Deck created by ChatGPT using the prompt "Create an Invoker Deck with a short description of how the deck is played in Yu-Gi-Oh!"
Please bear in mind that as useful ChatGPT is, it is by far not perfect. There will be inconsistencies and problems with deck building. Most of the time it will create a deck either under 40 cards or randomly have extra deck cards in the main deck. I've done some fine tuning whilst trying to not impact too much what ChatGPT has made.
A short description made by ChatGPT about how the deck functions.
The Invoked archetype focuses on Fusion Summoning powerful monsters by using "Aleister the Invoker" and various Fusion Spells. Here's how this deck works:
Aleister the Invoker: Aleister is your key card. He's used to Fusion Summon your Invoked monsters. "Aleister the Invoker of Madness" is another version of Aleister that can be special summoned from your hand, and he gains attack points for each Fusion Spell in your GY.
Fusion Spells: "Invocation" is the primary Fusion Spell for Invoked monsters. It allows you to use monsters from your hand or field as Fusion Materials, and it recycles itself when it's in the GY. "The Book of the Law" is another Fusion Spell that can be used to perform Fusion Summons during your Battle Phase, catching your opponent off guard. "El Shaddoll Fusion" and "Instant Fusion" give you access to additional Fusion monsters, such as "El Shaddoll Winda" and "Thousand-Eyes Restrict."
Hand Traps: Cards like "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring," "Effect Veiler," and "Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion" help you disrupt your opponent's plays and protect yourself.
Protection and Negation: "Magical Meltdown" and "Terraforming" protect your Fusion Spells from being negated by your opponent's card effects. "Invocation" and "The Book of the Law" have built-in protection against card effects that would negate them. "Aleister the Invoker of Madness" can be used to negate and banish a monster your opponent controls.
Draw Power: "Maxx "C"" allows you to draw cards when your opponent Special Summons. It can discourage your opponent from overextending.
Disruption and Control: "Infinite Impermanence" and "Solemn Strike" are your disruption and control cards, allowing you to negate your opponent's monster effects and special summons.
Extra Deck: Your Extra Deck consists of Invoked Fusion monsters, as well as some utility monsters like "Thousand-Eyes Restrict" and "Millennium-Eyes Restrict" for monster control. "Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians" is useful for Link plays.
This Invoked deck provides a balance of Fusion Summoning power, disruption, and control, making it a versatile and competitive choice for both casual and competitive play.